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英汉翻译;Translation of English Subordinate Clauses;Review of Lecture I;Lecture II;CONTENTS;nouns;1. 用名词替代动词可以使行文和表意更为简洁,这符合现代英语总的发展趋势。 Eric Partridge认为,将动词转化为名词是英语极普遍、极有效的构词方法。 Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge has given man the practical results of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man. 探索科学,也就是追求知识,使人类获得了避免天灾人祸的能力。 ;I gave the situation a big think for about two seconds. The film is an absolute must-see. Another departure from the recent White House practices is the absence of dancing. If you step over to window 4, you’d have a shorter wait.;2. 名词用作形容词 mood music moonlight stroll government views love match college bills all-night discussion 3. 成语名词替代短语动词: flunk-out 考试不及格 work-in 静坐罢工 walk-in ??易门诊部 walk-off 退席,退场 wipe-out 失败 set-up 组织,团体 lead-in创举,开篇 break-down 故障 upkeep 维修;Whoever comes to our public library will be welcome. 什么人到我们公共图书馆来都欢迎。 I understand that he is well qualified, but I feel that he needs more experience. 我知道他完全够条件,但我觉得他需要更多经验。 We have no definite information yet as to which route he will take. 关于他走哪条路线,我们还没有确切消息。 They are very suspicious of the assumption that he would rather kill himself than surrender. 对于他宁可自杀也不投降的这种假设,他们很怀疑。;The fact that the gravity of the earth pulls everything towards the center of the earth explains many things. 地球引力把一切东西都吸向地心这一事实解释了许多现象。 An order has been given that the researchers who are now in the skylab should be sent back. 已下命令将现在在航天实验室的研究人员送回来。; 翻译英语形容词时,要注意一下几点: 汉语部分重叠式形容词是英语所没有的,英译时只能采取近义词表达。例如: 乱蓬蓬的胡子 unkempt (scraggly) beard 亮堂堂的 brightly lit 绿油油的 rich green; glistening green 冷冰冰的 ice cold;2. 注意比较下面词组的不同含义: A golden age/a gold watch; silken hair/ silk stockings A wooden face/ a wood floor; her pleasing manner/her pleased look I have time enough./I have enough time. He is sure of his own success. / He is sure to succeed. The late Mr. Smith/ He is late again. The proper thing to


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