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Scientists have found that women experience headaches longer and more often than men. As a result, women are encouraged to take a more active role in their treatment. ; Do you know what causes the difference? 【参考答案】1. Hormones(荷尔蒙) may be to blame for the difference and they clearly play an important role. 2. Women handle pain differently from men. Women will focus on the emotional aspects of pain while men on the physical feelings. ; 通过验血可以提前预知测试者在未来是否会有心脏问题, 这对于心脏疾病的有效防治有着不可估量的作用。 A simple blood test can predict if someone is going to have a heart attack up to six years before it occurs, researchers have said. ; The development could allow those at high risk to take action such as adopting a healthier lifestyle and taking drugs to lower blood pressure. It was found that where the protein called troponin (肌钙蛋白)T was present, the patient was seven times more likely to die from heart disease within the next six years. ; Dr James de Lemos, at University of Texas and lead author of the study said, “It appears that the higher your troponin T is, the more likely you are to have problems with your heart. ”The study involved more than 3, 500 healthy people and 25 percent were found to have detectable(察觉到的) levels of troponin T. They provided blood samples and underwent1 body scans to examine their hearts and other organs. They found older people, men and African-Americans had the highest levels of troponin T along with those showing signs of weakness of the heart muscles. ; They were then tracked(跟踪) for an average of seven years to establish how many people died, of what and when. Dr de Lemos said, “Because this test seems to identify2 cardiovascular(心血管的) problems that were previously unrecognised, we hope in the future to be able to


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