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(一)根据首字母提示及英文释义写出单词 1.extreme (adj.) very great in degree 2.complain (vi.) to say that you are annoyed, dissatisfied, or unhappy about something or someone 3.leather (n.) animal skin that has been treated to preserve it, and is used for making shoes, bags, etc. 4.ceremony (n.) a public or religious occasion that includes a series of formal or traditional actions 5.audience (n.) the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to sth. 6.memorial (n.) a statue, stone, etc. that is built in order to remind people of an important past event or of a famous people who has died (二)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词 7.wooden adj. 木制的→wood n. 木头,木料 8.expression n. 表达;表情,神色→express v. 表现,表达 9.powerful adj. 强有力的,强大的→power n. 力;势力,权力 10.fortunate adj. 幸运的→unfortunate adj. 不幸的;运气不好的→fortunately adv. 幸运地 11.declare vt. 宣布;宣称→declaration n.宣言 12.memorial adj. 纪念的n.纪念碑,纪念馆→memory n.记忆;记忆力→memorize v. 记忆 13.educate v. 教育;教导→education n. 教育;培养→educator n. 教育家 1.complain vt. vi.抱怨;诉苦 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)One complained that the room was not clean and that it was not very comfortable either. 一个学生抱怨说房间不干净而且也不舒适。 (鲜活例句)Youll have to complain to Head Office if the washing machine stops working again. 要是洗衣机再出毛病的话,你只好向总公司投诉了。 (二)归纳拓展全析考点 (1)complain (to sb.) about/of sth.             (向某人)抱怨、投诉某事 complain of sth. 诉说(病情、疼痛等) (2)complaint n. 抱怨;诉苦 make a complaint about/of 抱怨……,投诉……①Mother is always complaining of not having enough time. 母亲总是抱怨没有足够的时间。 ②She is always complaining_of her toothache to the doctor. 她老是跟医生说她牙痛。 ③The police received several complaints about the noise from our party. 警方收到数起不满的投诉,指责我们的聚会太吵了。 2.expression n.表示,表达;表情,神色 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (鲜活例句)Her expression showed that she was angry. 从她的表情可知她生气了。 (二)归纳拓展全析??点 (1)beyond expression   无法形容 (2)express v. 表达,表示 express oneself 表达自己(的感情或想法) (3)expressive adj. 有表现力的,富于表情的①I think that the bride was lovely beyond expression. 我认为那个新娘美得无法形容。 ②They tend to_express_themselves only after th



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