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Unit 3 Back to the past 每课一练20(牛津版必修3) 课时1 Welcome to the unit I.. 翻译下列词组: 1. 来自古代文明的人们 _____________ 2. 建造许多华丽的建筑_____________ 3. 消失在夜色中 _______________ 4. 仍然不得而知___________________ 5. 保护文化遗产 _______________ 6. 提出一些建议 __________________ II. 知识窗: For centuries, they were the tallest structures on the planet. The Pyramids of Giza, built over 4,000 years ago, still stand atop (在……顶上) an otherwise (另外的) flat, sandy landscape. One of the SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD, the pyramids defy (挑起;激起) 21st-century humans to explain their greatest secrets. How could a civilization that lacked bulldozers (推土机), forklifts, and trucks build such massive (结实的) structures? Why would anyone have spent the time and energy to attempt such a task? What treasures were placed inside these monuments (纪念塔)? Three pyramids were built at Giza, and many smaller pyramids were constructed around the Nile Valley. The tallest of the Great Pyramids reaches nearly 500 feet into the sky and spans (跨越) an area greater than 13 acres. The Great Sphinx (狮身人面像) was sculpted nearby to stand watch over the pyramids. It stands 65 feet tall and consists of a human head atop the body of a lion. Built in 30 years, the Pyramid at Giza was the tallest building in the world until the beginning of the 20th century. It remains as the last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Accompanying the Pyramids of Giza is, the Sphinx, a gigantic figure of a lion with the head of a pharaoh. HYPERLINK /bbx/tr/pv.asp?i=wcu81/3e=/wgbh/nova/pyramid/explore/age.html \t HYPERLINK /bbx/tr/pv.asp?i=wcu81/3e=/hawass/sphinx2.htm \t 课时2 Reading Lost civilization I. 根据首字母提示或中文提示补全单词: 1. A child should be exposed (受熏陶) to c_________ at an early age. 2. Enough lava had e___________ from the volcano to bury the entire village. 3. Fire d_________ several stores in the business district. 4. The houses across the street were in r_________. 5. Chinese __________ (文


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