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Unit3 Reading ;Suppose you are explorers( not visitors), where do you want to go ?;What is Egypt famous for? ;;Treasures;Mummies!;The curse of the mummy; ;; Can you predict what the passage is about? ;;Howard carter ; Think it over! Why does the writer choose ‘The curse of the mummy’ as its title here? The title can draw your attention and arouse your interest. ;;II. Read the passage again and do true or false exercises.;Howard Carter was shy. His father taught him to write. He discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun when he was 17. 4. The explorers decided to leave the treasure in the tomb. 5. Carter’s pet bird usually brought him good luck. 6. Howard Carter died when he was young. ;Read the article carefully. Complete some tasks.;Para.1 A. There is a scientific reason for the deaths Para.2 B. Howard Carter did not go to school and later became an explorer Para.3 C. Lord Carnarvon died after Carter opened the tomb. Para.4 D. Cater discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Para.5 E. A short introduction to Howard Carter’s life. Para.6 F. The mystery of Tutankhamun’s tomb has never been fully explained Para.7 G. More people died after Carter’s discovery. Para.8 H. People suggested different explanations.;;The summary of each part;Read Para2 and take notes about Howard Carter’s life in the form of a table.;;;Read Paras 4-5 and answer this question. How many people are mentioned in this part? ;disasters; Read Paras 6-8 and find out people’s explanations and the writer’s opinion.; ;a curse; What do you think of it, a curse, a coincidence or having a scientific explanation?; There is possibility that …, because… 2. The deaths can be e


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