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PAGE  PAGE 14 Unit 3 Back to the past Task project 9th period Task ( HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1) 双基提要  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1. Words: chat, gist, audience, expression, grateful 2. Phrases: point out, do something for oneself, be related to, focus on, be located in 3. Sentence structures:  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1)I’m here to show you some illlustrationsof the Attack on Pearl Harbor…. We’re all gathered to view some…. 2)Thank you for taking the time to be here. 3)I hope that… Hopefully you will have all learned something new. 课堂反馈 一、 根据首字母或中文提示,完成下列单词拼写题:  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1. When giving a talk, you’re supposed to explain the reason why you are talking to the ________(观众) at the beginning. 2. At the end of your talk, you should give a final ________ (表示)of thanks. 3. I’m very _______ (感谢) that you have come today. 4. When we are listening for the g_____ , we are listening to get the general idea of something. 5. I want to c_____ to you about the party on Saturday night. 二、用下列所给词的适当形式填空: focus on, point out, be related to, be located to, for oneself  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1. He __________ that the project lacked one important thing. 2. She kept the biggest piece of pie ___________ , as it was so delicious. 3. His fear of people ______ deeply ____________ his unhappy childhood. 4. Whatever he does, he prefers to do ___________. 5. Our school ___________ the centre of the town. 6. As a atudent, we must _________ our attention _____ our study. 三、完成或翻译下列句子:  HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1.非常感谢各位今日光临。 Thank you all for ____________. I’m very grateful ____________________. 2.今日我在此向各位展示珍珠港事件的图片。 Today I’m here ____________________ some illlustrationsof the Attack on Pearl Harbor. 3.如有疑问,请随意提出。 ________________________________________. 4.莫高窟位于古丝路上的甘肃敦煌。 __________________________________________. 5.天安门位于中国首都北京的中心。 ________________________________________________. 巩固练习 一、单项选择:  HYPERLINK \o


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