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Period Two Word power Grammar and usage 基础落实 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.I ________________ a bath when you called. 你打电话时,我正在洗澡。 2.The children ________________ good care of. 孩子们被照顾得很好。 3.I ________________________ French for three years. 我学法语已经三年了。 4.________________________ to the Great Wall? 你去过长城吗? 5.I ________________ you should go. 我确实认为你该去。 6.He told us that he ________________ abroad. 他告诉我们他要出国学习了。 Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Jack’s ill,so they ________ change their plans. A.must B.should C.have got to D.ought to 2.If it is fine tomorrow,we ________ a football match. A.have B.will have C.has D.shall has 3.In the past 30 years China ________ great advances in the socialist revolution and socialist construction. A.has made B.have made C.had made D.having made 4.I ________ go to bed until I ________ finished my work. A.don’t;had B.didn’t;have C.didn’t;had D.don’t;have 5.People are ________ to ________ when they meet for the first time. A.suppose;shake hands B.supposed;shake hands C.supposed;shaking hands D.suppose;shake hand 6.When he was at school,he ________ early and take a walk before breakfast. A.will rise B.shall rise C.should rise D.would rise 7.You ________ your seats today if you want to go to the game. A.had better to reserve B.had better reserve C.had to better reserve D.had to reserve better 8.________ I realized the consequences I would never have contemplated(考虑) getting involved. A.Had B.Have C.Having D.Has 9.I ________ the operation unless it is absolutely necessary. A.would rather not have B.would not rather had C.rather would not have D.rather not would have 10.You ________ in your homework by now,but to my disappointment,you didn’t. A.are supposed to have handed B.must have handed C.are supposed to hand D.must hand 11.He used to ________ up late on Sunday morning,but now he gets used to ________ up early every morning. A.get;get B.getting;getting C.get;getting D.get


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