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Unit 2 ;Reporting on body language;Try to find out some behavioural differences between Chinese and westerners;Understand how to predict the answers to the question while listening.;Decide if the statements below are true or false.;In China a person who invites you to dinner might be upset if you do not try all of the dishes. It is polite to eat with your left hand in Arab countries. In Japan you can use lots of soap in the bath. Making a slurping noise while eating spaghetti in Italy is Okay. When eating noodles in Japan, making a slurping noise is okay. It is better to wear your shoes in a Chinese, Japanese or Korean house. When you are late for a meeting, there is no need to say sorry. In England it is usual to talk about the weather when you start a conversation. In the West, when you are complaining, it is usual to say sorry first.;Step 1: filling in a chat;Listen to the recording and fill in the chart.;Common gestures;Skills building 2: formulating written questions;Sample answers;Step 2: surveying your classmates;3. You see a friend studying in an empty classroom. You tap on the window to get his attention. He looks up and waves a hand side to side at you with the palm facing out and then looks back down at his books. He is saying he is busy and you should not disturb him He is saying hello and you should go into the room to greet him. Others: ____________________________________.;5. Hand held up, with fingers pointing up and palm facing out. First finger and thumb make an ‘O’;6. Head nodding up and down. Head shaking from side to side.;7. After a meal, leaning back and patting stomach with palm of hand.;Skills building 3: Organizing a report;Organizing the sentences below into the appropriate sections. Write the correct numbers in the boxes.;Finally, we need to know the customs of a country so that we do not upset anyone,;;Sample answers This report is about body language used in both China and the United States. It looks at how the same gesture is used



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