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Unit 2 Fit for life 文化背景素材1 Everyone Needs a Healthy Diet There is no way for a healthy diet which works for everyone, but scientists know a lot about what causes illnesses like heart disease and diabetes(糖尿病). Learning about plans like the Healthy Diet Pyramid(金字塔)can help to avoid these illnesses. The Healthy Diet Pyramid is just a guide to what is good to eat and what is not. It suggests the correct combination of foods you can eat each day to get the number of calories and nutrients you need. Foods can be split into four major groups and ideally we should eat some from each group on a daily basis. The ones we should eat least are at the top of the Healthy Diet Pyramid and these are oils, fats, sugar and salt. Next are foods which come mostly from animals: meat, poultry(禽肉), fish, eggs, yoghurt, cheese. These foods are rich in protein, calcium, iron and zinc(锌). The third level of the pyramid contains vegetables and fruits. Many people need to eat more of these than they do now, because they supply essential vitamins(维他命), minerals(矿物质) and fibre(纤维). At the very bottom of the pyramid and in the largest group of foods are those which come from grains: rice, noodles, cereals(谷类食物) and pasta(意大利面食). These foods should be the largest part of the foods you eat each day because they provide an important source of energy, as well as vitamins, minerals and fibre.    You may think that foods which come from grains are fattening, but in fact it is the way you cook them that is fattening. You should have between five and seven servings of grain foods a day. Fruit and vegetables should be eaten at least twice a day; meat and other proteins two to three times a day.    Some extra tips: trim the fat off meat and broil, roast, stew or grill it rather than fry; try to eat a low amount of egg yoke(蛋黄) which is high in cholesterol(胆固醇) — use egg white to increase quantity. Nuts and seeds contain a lot of fat, so try not to overeat these.     All of them are



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