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外研版    高一 (1) Module 4;Introduction and reading;neighborhood;apartment block;apartment;a five-storey building;a house which is two storeys high; high-rise building;Where does he live?;Lin Xiaoyun;Assignment ;Reading ;Look and guess;;;1. This city lies in the southeast of China; 2. It is a seaside city; 3. It has a famous Island -----GuLangyu Island.;Xia Men;Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers. 1. John Martin is visiting ___________. (a) Xiao Li’s hometown (b) a town near where Xiao Li lives (c) a shopping mall;2. Xiao Li lives _________. (a) on the island of Gulangyu (b) in Xiamen (c) in a town to the northwest of Xiamen 3. John and Xiao Li are _____. (a) at Xiao Li’s home (b) driving around the city in a car (c) on a train;Detail Reading;Xiamen (Xiaoli’s Home-town);1. attractive;;;1) It has been three years since my brother came back from America. 我哥哥从美国回来已经三年了。 2) 她丈夫去世2年了 It’s two years since her husband died. ;2. …this is the first time I’ve visited your hometown. ;;3. This is one of the most attractive places I’ve been to. 被形容词最高级所修饰的名词后的定语从句中,一般用完成时态。;4. Pretty hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in the winter. 夏天相当热,相当潮湿;冬天则非常冷。 ★ pretty 在此处是程度副词,意为“非常,相当”。 ★ After a whole day’s hard work, I feel pretty tired. 辛苦工作了一整天我感到很累。;▲猜一猜: ★ The moment the king saw the pretty girl, he fell love with her. (此处pretty为形容词,意为 “漂亮的”。);5. Now we’re leaving the business district and approaching the harbor. 现在, 我们正离开商业区向海港靠近。 approach v. 接近,靠近 ★ Our new teaching building is approaching completion. 我们的新教学楼就要完工了。;★ The poor little boy approached me for food. 那个可怜的小男孩走近我向我要吃的。 ★ 译: 圣诞节就要到了。 Christmas Day is approaching.; 6. So they tell me. ;3) “主语+动词+so”, 意为某人这样做了 4) “neither /nor+助动


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