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Text I A;;;Language points;;;?????? ;2. The Purpose of Euphemisms --all cultures typically use them to talk about things they find terrifying (e.g., war, sickness, death) --we use euphemisms to express taboos, as we feel, on some instinctual level, that the euphemism keeps us at safe distance from the taboo itself. --Another use of euphemisms is to elevate the status of something (e.g., using educator for teacher, attorney for lawyer); but in general, we use euphemisms to express what is socially difficult to express in direct terms. ;1.The main idea of the text: The title clearly expresses the writer’s negative attitude towards euphemism—try to sound pleasant only to end up with unpleasantness. ;;;;;;;;Translation 英语有很多文体,我们必须掌握各种文体,并在不同场合使用不同的文体。 There is a wide range of English styles over which we must have a good command so that we know how to use each style consistently. 有些人反对委婉语的使用,因为我们使用委婉语之后许多人不明白,我们不得不马上反应出它们不好听的原意。 Some people oppose to the use of euphemisms because many people simply can’t get it and we’ll have to indicate the stigma of the word it replaces. 他因抢劫银行被判处无期徒刑。 He was condemned to life imprisonment for bank robbery. 他对原判不服而向上级法院上诉。 He appealed to the higher court against the original sentence. ; 帝国主义注定要失败。 Imperialism is doomed to fail. 当我碰到不懂的词时,我就求助于字典。 When I come across an unfamiliar word, I’ll appeal to my dictionary. 如果你不努力学习,你就注定要补考。 If you don’t work hard enough, you are certain to take a make-up exam. 新书展览吸引了很多年轻人,因为书展上有很多新的科技书籍。 The exhibition of new books appealed very much to the young for there are many new publications on science and technology. 老师要求说,所有的学生都要在星期五前写好文章。 The teacher commands that all students finish their compositions before Friday. 这个报告是根据董事长的命令写的。 The report was written by the command of the Board Director.


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