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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 37 安徽工业大学 毕业设计论文 激光冲击对小孔疲劳寿命的影响 Effect of laser shock processing on fatigue life of fastener and life-extending technology is the use of the laser beam the direction and energy as a tool for surface modification or extension of the material. The technology make the comprehensive use of modern physics. Chemistry. Computer. Materials science.advanced manufacturing technology and other aspects of Results or knowledge.and it component selection.design manufacturing. Aluminum alloy which easily generate fatigue cracks under cyclic loading and yield fatigue rupture.so this text use the laser shock peening technology.through the comparative analysis.the better process of LSP before the FEM code ABAQUS,the general idea of Numerical simulation to strengthen presented the optimizing region of LSP parameters.Then,selected the power density,pulse width,spot diameter and shot numbers as the research object,without considering the interaction between the shock parameters,the effect of laser shock parameters on the residual stress field were studied. Then observating the fatigue fracture indicated the strength of anti-fatigue properties.Finally,through the simulation we can study the residual stress field of specimens before and after we can get the point of the effect of treatment on the fatigue life of spot overlapping KEY WORDS:Laser shock processing; Fatigue life;Numerical simulation; Residual stress field; Fatigue fracture; Aluminum alloy 绪 论 1.1 前言 20世纪80年代英格兰伯明翰大学教授汤姆·贝尔提出表面工程的概念。他认为,表面工程是“将材料表面与基体一起作为一个系统进行设计和改性。以期获得表面与基体本身都不可能有的优异性能,其成本效益比是很高的。”这一论述十分精辟,它充分说明了表面.材料与性能之间的正确关系,表面技术和效益之间的关系,以及表面工程的科学意义。 随着科技的进步和工业技术的发展,延长各种类型产品的服务寿命,提高零部件工作的安全性.可靠性,能够主动地.有效地控制破坏问题,以避免突然被破坏所带来灾难的需要越来与迫切。裂纹的疲劳破坏是造成结构破坏的一项重要因素。在各类结构件中,往往由于裂纹的存在而使结构还远没有达到材料的强度极限时就发生破坏。国内外使用合金材料的压力容器.钻井平台.石油管道.原子能反应堆.发动机壳体和飞机起落架等关键结构件均发生过断裂事故,这些灾难性事件大多是由表面裂纹或穿透裂纹扩展引起的。保障关键零部件的寿命与可靠性,避免疲劳裂纹引发的失效发生,已成为关键零部件修复和延寿工程中的核心科学问题之一。 铝合金比重小, 但却有着接近或超过优质钢的强度, 具有热胀系数低、易


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