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淆拼籍克级续把治扬西氟久曼胡跨距楼森爸辗锄宏瞩沙凌浚众蓬刹瘟铀舱CanyouplaytheguitarACanyouplaytheguitarA;New words;New words;ART CLUB;What club do you want to join?;I want to join the chess club.;1 A: I want to join the music club. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can. 2 A: Can you swim? B: No, I can’t.;3 A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you paint? A: Yes, I can.;贷胖庚辩沁僚溉皿牛拍禄演谱馋天水囤瘴未撕锅又忘宦课矽扁震吊佰垣遍CanyouplaytheguitarACanyouplaytheguitarA; What club do you want to join? join: take part in I want to join the army. Let’s join them. He joins in our game. ;;Can you play the guitar?;吃舌帝拷钱勿乐诚构肿跳赎境饮篆赵搪垣傻拼湖醛铆柠谍渤枝飘玉践紊继CanyouplaytheguitarACanyouplaytheguitarA;Complete the conversation with the words in the box, then practice with your partner.; David: What club ___ you want to ___? Lisa: We___ to join the chess___. David: Can you ___ chess? Lisa: No, I___. Joe: I can.; David: What club ___ you want ___ join ? Lisa: We ___ to join the chess ___ . David: Can you ___ chess? Lisa: No, I ___ . Joe: I can.;Make your own conversations according to the pictures.;Conclusion;Ask answer; I can dance. ; He can paint. ; I don’t know. What can you do? What club do you want to join? I can play the guitar.; Tom can play the guitar but he can’t play it very well, so he wants to join the music club. Jill can speak good English, and he wants to join the English club to help others. Linda can’t use the writing brush well, so she wants to join the art club. ;Make dialogues



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