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考古 2011 年第 8 期 o 本刊专稿
关键词: 内蒙古 水泉墓地 辽代早期 突厥遗民
KEYWORDS: Inner M ongolia Shuiquan Cemetery Early Liao Dynasty T urkic Adherents
ABSTRACT: In 2008, Inner M ongolian Institute of Cult ural Relics and Archaeology excavat ed tw o
tombs of the early Liao Dynasty to t he north of t he cem etery of the Warring-St ates Period at Shuiquan
Tow nship, Liangcheng County. Bot h of t he tom bs are trapezoid eart hen shaft pit t ombs w it h curved
corners accompanied w it h animal vict ims; the grave goods are m ainly the ones related to nom adic life,
such as gold and silver ornament s, gilt bronze horse fit tings, iron implements and large am ount of belt
plaques, am ong w hich the complete set of horse f itt ings uneart hed from M 27 reflect ed the st yles of T urkic
Culture. T he discovery of these tw o T urkic t ombs of the Liao Dynasty provided important archaeological
data for understanding the fusion of the cultures of the et hnic groups in this area and the history of t hese
ethnic groups competing on the steppes.
水泉墓地位于内蒙古乌兰察布市凉城 其中 2 座为辽代墓葬, 分别编号为 M 26 和
县永兴镇水泉村北约 115 公里的山坡上, 面 M 27, 其余 27 座属战国中晚期墓葬。现将 2
积约 1 万平方米。墓地北依蛮汗山支脉, 东 座辽墓的发掘情况介绍如下。
临一南北向的大型冲沟, 南坡向下地势开 两座墓葬位于墓地的最北部, 相距仅约
阔, 可远眺永兴湖, 西侧约 500 米处为一南 1 米。墓葬呈东西向并列埋葬, M 26 位于西
北向的季节性河流, 当地人称/ 蒙古哈达0河 侧。两座墓葬内人骨、随葬品等保存完整, 形
( 图一) 。墓地原为耕地, 现已退耕还草。 制接近, 随葬品丰富, 且均存在殉牲现象。
2008 年 5~ 8 月, 内蒙古文物考古研究
一、M 26
所对该墓地进行了发掘。共发掘墓葬 2