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【福利帖】2013年最新TOEIC托业价值128元官方模拟试题(语法部分) 参加了三月份的托业考试,复习了整整两个月,成绩还不错,968分,比我六级成绩高了整整一倍。复习经验在这里不想多说,网上的经验贴实在是太多了。为了造福学弟学妹们,现把我的复习资料奉献给大家~换一点儿百度文库积分哈~ 发福利咯: 1、四本复习书+配套MP3(大家可以登录 HYPERLINK 进行下载,账号308455927,密码是toeic123) 2、大家报名的时候可以申请20元优惠券!两天就能收到哦!(发送”姓名+考试城市”到toeicchina@126.com),小小透露一下,你收到的将不止是优惠券! 3、一套价值128元的TOEIC官方在线模拟题(这个在托业官网上可以买到,应该是一年一更新),难度和机考难度相当,更有针对性。废话不多说,下面是模拟题的部分截图,大家也可以加入TOEIC考试交流群获取更多信息(102143451)。 101 The new office computers were delivered last Tuesday, but they are still sitting in ______original boxes. A they B them C their D themselves 102. _____ up-to-date weather information in your local area, please visit our Web site at . A In B For C To D Of 103. The publications department has assembled a team of language experts to oversee the ____of our Spanish-language employee manuals. A translate B translates C translated D translation 104. Because the telephone company received so many_____ about its new wireless headsets, they were removed from the market after just one week. A complaints B damages C charges D operations 105. _____of the photographs in the exhibit were taken at or near the artist’s home in southern India. A Most B Almost C Another D Other 106. Ms.Andrews will need to lease an apartment in _______ Florence or Pisa until the historic conservation project is completed. A and B both C neither D either 107. This evening’s ____ will be provided by the Croft Brothers, a well-known local jazz trio. A entertain B entertainment C entertained D entertains 108. Conference participants are encouraged to ____ a room at one of the area hotels before June 1. A register B generate C reserver D participate 109. We have received a check for one year’s subscription to Business magazine and will send _____the first issue shortly. A you B your C yours D yourself 110. While Angela Suzuki is out of the country, her______ is being answered by her assistant, Robert Chen. A production B correspondence C preparation D occupation 以下资料已更新,在原有汇总的基础上、添加了一些新的删掉


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