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;tree;symbol;Where are giraffes from?;What do lions like to eat?;What do pandas eat?;;打勾你认为在极大危险中的动物;What do elephants eat?;The elephant is one country’s symbol.;The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols.;This is the national flag of Thailand. [fl?ɡ] ;Do you like elephants? Why?;What can elephants do?;walk for a long time; These things ivory.;People kill them for their ivory. [kil] ivory [’aiv?ri] 不可数名词;People also many trees so elephants are losing their homes.;时间:2009-04-22 09:36作者:jiaqi 点击: 498次 据泰国《世界日报》报道,泰国自然资源与环境部常务 次长沙实日前表示,将举办公益活动来保护大象。他说, 野生大象和人工饲养的大象数目都在急剧减少,目前泰 国全部大象的数量不足5000头,如果再不采取有效的保 护措施,大象将在14年内从泰国彻底消失。;Let’s help elephants.;2b;Read the article again then answer the questions below.;How to save them don’t cut down too many ___ don’t _____ things made of ivory. _____ is Thai Elephant Day. ; 1. 通读全文,掌握文章的大意。 2. 读题目要求。第一方框为“大象的重要性”;第二方框为“有关大象的一些实事及其特征”;第三方框为“大象的能力”;第四方框为“如何挽救大象”。根据这几方面的内容再回到短文中去寻找答案。 3. 可知第一段末尾的两句说明了大象的重要性。 第二段叙述了大象的一些能力;第三段叙述了一些有关大象的事实;如何挽救大象也应根据第三段的内容来填写。;Facts and figures people ________ many trees people kill them for _____ today there are ___________ ________ (over ________ before) ;How to save them don’t cut down too many ______ don’t _____ things made of ivory. ___________ is Thai Elephant Day. ;Lets remember!;1. one of + 名词复数形式 意为“……之一” Jack is one of my friends. 杰克是我的朋友之一。 【注意】当“one of + 名词复数形式”作主语 时,当作整体看,用单数。 One of the lions is from Africa. 狮子中的一只是来自非洲。 ; 2. get lost 迷途;迷路 The little girl can’t find her home. She gets lost. 小女孩找不到家了,她迷路了。;4. cut down 砍伐 Don’t cut down trees. 不要砍伐树木。 5. over (数量)超过; 在……之上 Over one hundred people are in the library. 有超过一百人在图书馆里。 There’s a small bridge over the river. 在河上面有一座小桥。;1. Importance in Thailand: ;Ability: ;Facts:;How to save elephants:;;Read para.2 and answer the questions.;1) Are elephants in great danger? An


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