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话题一:Enjoy the colorful campus life 课程:Tourism?management?;Public Management;management;Advanced Mathematics; Economics;intensive Electives(选修课程)and Compulsory Courses 与高中的区别: more colorful; have Electives(选修课程) English writing and?practice?speaking?often?enough; Learn Speciailized courses and professional course knowledge Attached great importance to the mental health and physical health 补充资料: 一)关于学习 1、课程总是很难 场景词汇:take a course, high requirement, optional course, hard to follow. 2、学生上课迟到或缺课教授只会在教授只会在office hour见学生。总有一些学生不适应教授的课爱听讲座 场景词汇:late of class, miss/attend the lecture, boring, 建议:select the courses that fit your profession Interests and Hobbies pay attention?to our?study?and physical and mental health take part in activities after school to improve our skills forcommunicating with sb 话题二???our globe is in danger Danger: One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil.tsandstorm(沙城暴);;deforestation(森林砍伐); drought ;littering Reason 1.With the development of society,factories pollute environment 2. The world has become too crowded ,We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. 3.people’s bad behavior,such as litter the ground with paper, spit on the floor, don’t keep off the grass, destroyed the forests 4. changes of environment, or the rest of the century, rising temperatures are expected to threaten our forest and diverse wildlife. 危害: 1. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be dying out 2.rubblish take up ?a l ot of?space?, throwing off?a?nasty smell 3. dirty water will harm sb’ health ,cause illnesses 4.damage the nations image 解决 个人:Protecting the environment, is everybodys business So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life. First, we should plant more trees to keep water, which can also make our city beautiful. Second, we can ride a bike or walk to the


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