高1英语寒假作业 (2].docx

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高1英语寒假作业 (2]

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 17 高一英语寒假作业 Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship 一.单词拼写,注意形式。 1.He completely__________(忽视)all these facts as if they didn’t exist. 2.More and more people go to large cities with the__________(目的)of making more money. 3.The bad news__________(使…心烦意乱)me. 4.He has__________(痊愈,恢复)his health after an operation. 5.Would you like to__________some sugar__________(往…添加)your coffee? 二.短语填空 1.__________(为了)go to an ideal university, he studies hard every day. 2.We are__________(不再)little children, we should learn to look after ourselves. 3.I think our parents__________(关心,担心)my future. 4.His grandfather__________(经历)a lot of hardship(磨难)during Anti-Japanese War. 5.I__________(厌倦,厌烦)doing the same thing day by day. 三.英汉互译。 1.China has the power to hold the Olympic Games successfully. __________________________________________________________ 2.他痴迷于玩电子游戏。 ___________________________________________________________ 3. A friend in need is a friend in deed. ___________________________________________________________ 4.It is important to keep calm in an emergancy. ___________________________________________________________ 5.我和我的同班同学相处得很好。 ___________________________________________________________ 四.单词改错(每句中仅一个错误) 1.We should take a active part in after-class activities. 2.As far as I am concernd,we should keep on run in the morning. 3.I can communicate with others in English fluent. 4.I would be grateful if you could give me some advices. 5.If everyone is hand on hand,heart to heart,our world will become more and more beautiful. Unit 2 English around the world 一.单词拼写, 注意形式。 1.Many people believe the English spoken on TV ____________(标准的)English. 2.If you want to read quickly and well,you should increase your__________(词汇). 3.This word has a different__________(用法)in different sentence. 4.I hardly__________(辨认出)him because he had had his hair cut. 5.Try to learn by heart these English words and __________(短语). 二.短语填空 1. __________(信不信由你),he has been admitted into B


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