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菜单枕头的种类及功效 1、蚕砂枕头 蚕砂枕头采用纯天然、无污染的优质桑蚕砂为原料,配合桑蚕丝填充,保持头部温度均衡,做到真正凉头热脚、健康睡眠。《本草》记载,蚕砂有祛风降温、明目降压等功效,对眼疾、心慌、神经衰弱、失眠、偏头痛、高血压、肝火旺、关节炎等症有良效。 Silkworm Droppings Pillow Adopting natural, pollution-free and high quality silkworm droppings as well as mulberry silk fillings, Silkworm Droppings Pillow can keep your head temperature stable, ensuring” cool head,warm feet” and thus guaranteeing healthy sleep. As recorded in BenCaoGangMu, silkworm dropping has functions of eliminating wind and rheumatism, improving eyesight and lowering blood pressure. It has good effect on eye disease, panicky, neurasthenia, insomnia, migraine, hypertension, hepatic fire and arthritis etc. 2、竹炭枕头 竹炭枕头内填充物为纯天然竹炭颗粒,具有吸湿防霉、消除异味、有效阻隔电磁波辐射、促进人体血液循环、缓解疲劳的作用。 Bamboo Charcoal Pillow Filled with pure natural bamboo charcoal, Bamboo Charcoal Pillow has functions of eliminating moisture and odor, preventing mould, effectively weakening electromagnetic radiation, promoting blood circulation and alleviating fatigue. 3、薰衣草枕头 薰衣草产地台湾,能舒缓因工作繁忙、压力大引起的头痛与紧张。枕头贴和颈椎,能预防、减轻各类颈椎疾病,具有护颈功效,让您的睡眠更舒适、健康。 Lavender Pillow Lavender Pillow is produced in Taiwan, also called Lavandula Angustifolia. It is able to alleviate headache and nervousness caused by heavy working or high pressure. With the Lavender Pillow fitting closely to your cervical spine, It can effectively prevent and alleviate various cervical diseases, protect your neck, make your sleep more comfortable and healthy. 4、荞麦枕 枕芯软硬适中,弹性适度,适合各种人群和年龄使用,且冬夏皆宜。具有防潮透气冬暖夏凉的特征,适合于一年四季使用,是治疗失眠和神经衰弱的传统绿色保健枕头。 Buckwheat Pillow Flex moderate Zhenxin, an appropriate flexibility for all age groups and the use and safe winter and summer. Dongnuanxialiang the air with moistureprool features, suitable for use throughout the year, is the theatment of insomnia and neurasthenia the traditional green pillow health. 5、决明子枕 内部药包采用决明子等植物中药材混合精致而成,略带青草香味,枕着睡觉闻着味道,犹如睡在青草丛中,决明子为双子叶植物药豆科植物决明的成熟种子,据“中药图谱”记载决明子有清肝,明目,利水,通便的功效。长期使用对降压,降脂通便有作用,还对肝阳上亢引起的头痛,头晕,失眠,脑动脉硬化,颈椎病等均有辅助作用。 Cassia Seed


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