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《远方的家》之《北纬30度·中国行》 “Home Far Away” “Latitude 30 ?China” 第109集 Episode 109 ???????????自贡 千年盐都 Zi Gong ?Thousand Year Old Salt Capital 【字幕】Subtitle 0000-0041 本期导视 Guide for this Episode 【解说】(本期导视)Narration 0000-0028 接下来播出的是远方的家。《远方的家》《北纬30度·中国行》摄制组来到有千年盐都之称的自贡市。这里有世界上第一口超过千米的盐井,这里保留了古老的制盐工艺,品尝水煮牛肉,寻觅盐埠痕迹,走进大山铺恐龙化石群,感受侏罗纪时期的魅力。 The following program is “Home Far Away”. ?The crew of “Home Far Away” “Latitude 30 ?China” comes to Zi Gong, the city also known as the thousand year old salt capital. ?Here is the home to the world’s first salt well that’s over one thousand meters; the oldest salt making techniques; and the delicacy of poached sliced beef in hot chili oil. ?At the same time, we will search for the vestige of the old salt port; tour the dinosaur fossils at the Da Shan Pu Dinosaur Museum, experience the fascinations of the Jurassic period. 【字幕】Subtitle 0004 接下来 远方的家 Coming up next: “Home Far Away” 【同期声】(记者 周雪梅) (Journalist: Zhou Xuemei”) 0028 我现在可以说是站在恐龙的群列当中 I’m basically standing within a group of dinosaurs! 【解说】Narration 0032-0041 《远方的家》百集特别节目《北纬30度·中国行》第109集,盐都自贡,正在播出。 “Home Far Away” Hundred Episode Special Program “Latitude 30 ?China” Episode 109, ?Salt Capital of Zi Gong, is currently broadcasting. 【黑场】 0042-0147 广告一65秒 Advertisement one - 65 seconds 【字幕】Subtitle 0151 远方的家 Home Far Away 【字幕】Subtitle 0206 北纬30°中国行《远方的家》百集系列特别节目 Latitude 30 China “Home Far Away” Hundred Series Special Program 【字幕】Subtitle 0210- 北纬30°?中国行(109) 盐都自贡 Latitude 30 China (109) Salt Capital Zi Gong 【解说】Narration 0207-0235 告别上一站宜宾,《远方的家》《北纬30度·中国行》摄制组经过一个多小时的车程来到了自贡市。自贡市位于四川盆地南部,沱江流域釜溪河畔,北纬28度55分至29度38分之间。初到自贡,当地人就告诉我们,想了解这座城???就要从了解自贡的井盐开始。 Saying goodbye to our previous stop, Yibin, the crew of “Home Far Away” “Latitude 30 China” comes to Zigong City after a drive of more than one hour. Zigong City is located in the south part of the Sichuan basin, along the Tuojiang, next to Fuxi River, between latitude 28 degrees 55 minutes and 29 degrees 38 minutes. As we arrive in Zi G


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