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陕旅版小学英语第五册 Lesson 12 I can play the guitar 教学设计 张芸芸 四门中心小学 2012-11-20   一、教学目标 1、能听、说、认、读、写下列单词及短语:play the piano, violin, guitar, flute,music   2、能掌握并灵活运用下列句型: (1)I’m interested in(be interested in) (2)I’m good at(be good at)  (3)Do you like music?  (4)I can play the violin.   二、教学重、难点   掌握本课所学单词、短语及句型。   三、教学用具   单词卡片及教学课件   四、教学过程   (一)复习导入   1、师生之间互相问好,老师向学生引入以下语境:   How are you?   How’s the weather today?   What’s the date today?   Do you like sports?   Do you like listening to the music?   2、老师出示关于运动方面的图片,复习该类单词。以图片复习词汇:music, piano, violin, guitar, flute,引出本课话题。   ???二)新授单词 1、play the piano出示图卡 然后老师做着弹钢琴的样子,并从大声到小声不断重复这个短语。让学生跟着边做边说。 Who can play the piano? We can play the piano. Would you please play for us? Yes. Of course.  2、依次教授 play the violin (出示词卡) play the guitar (出示词卡) play the flute (出示词卡) (三)讲解本课重点短语和句式 1、Are you interested in music? I am interested in… She /he is interested in… We are interested in… be interested in对……感兴趣 music音乐    如:I am in interested in music. Are you interested in music? 他对足球很感兴趣。(造句) 2、What can you play? I can play… She /he can play… We can play… 3、be good at… 擅长于… be not good at… 不擅长于… 如:I’m good at music. He is good at English. I’m not good at English. 4、play搭配乐器时,要在乐器名称前加定冠词the. play the piano play the violin play the guitar play the flute 跟球类名称搭配时,不加the. play basketball play football play ping-pong play yo-yo    (三)巩固练习 1、单词巩固游戏: 老师发指令play the piano、 play the violin、 play the guitar 、play the flute ,让全班同学做动作。老师的指令要随着学生们的熟练程度越发越快,让学生们通过听,对这些短语越来越熟悉。 2、做Let’s Practise(I) Pair work.练一练。请你看着图上的内容两人一组进行对话。 A:Would you please do it for me? B:All right.Let me try. (四)家庭作业 1、新单词,书写一行。 2、 开展班级小调查。 (利用所学知识,调查同班同学的爱好) 板书设计: Lesson 12 I can play the guitar a piano play the piano a violin play the violin a guitar play the guitar a flute play the flute be interested in…… be good at……


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