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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 37, NO. 4, APRIL 2009 603 Solid-Projectile Helical Electromagnetic Launcher Thomas G. Engel, Senior Member, IEEE, Jesse M. Neri, and Michael J. Veracka Abstract—Helical electromagnetic launchers (HEMLs) can op- not solve the HEML’s commutation problem, MU successfully erate at signi?cantly lower currents and higher ef?ciency in com- developed and patented an ef?cient stator commutation method parison to conventional railgun and induction coilgun launchers. [10] achieving a 32% electrical to kinetic conversion [11], the The HEML’s versatility is due, in part, to its large inductance gradient which is typically two to three orders of magnitude highest ef?ciency ever reported for any type of electromagnetic greater than a conventional railgun and can be tailored to almost launcher (EML). MU also developed a generalized EML theory any value in that range. Historically, however, HEMLs were not [11], extended this general EML theory to include velocity skin considered practical since they consisted of a hollow projectile effects [12], and devised a compact pulse forming network (i.e., armature that is accelerated on the outside of a stator coil). (PFN) construction method for nonlinear EML loads [13] in This investigation demonstrates, for the ?rst time, a 40-mm bore × 750-mm length solid-projectile HEML, where the armature is related work. accelerated on the inside of a stator coil. The goal of this paper is This investigation describes the development and testing of to demonstrate the practicality of solid-projectile HEML concept the ?rst ever solid-projectile HEML at MU. The solid-projectile and to measure its performance. Numerous successful tests were HEML is constructed like a conventional launcher with the conducted. The highest velocity measured for a 170-g projectile projectile inside the barrel, i.e., the armature coil (projectile) was 64 m/s.


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