14-15学年高中英语(必修3,外研版)Module+6 OldandNew课时作业(十一) IntroductionReadingandVocabulary.doc

14-15学年高中英语(必修3,外研版)Module+6 OldandNew课时作业(十一) IntroductionReadingandVocabulary.doc

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14-15学年高中英语(必修3,外研版)Module+6 OldandNew课时作业(十一) IntroductionReadingandVocabulary.doc

课时作业(十一) Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The American ________(国内的) War lasted four years before the North won in the end. 2.The bus is large enough to ________(容纳) 50 passengers. 3.The book she is reading is based on ________ (历史的) events. 4.Please ________ (拿走) your bag on the seat so that I can sit down. 5.This is a ________ (窄) path leading to the mountainous area. 6.The city has been under ________ (建设) since last year. 7.The old temple ________(追溯)from the 18th century attracted tourists at home and abroad. 8.The main cause of ________(全球的) warming is human pollution. 9.Can you explain the ________(结构)of the sentence to me?Im confused. 10.The fields had been ________(淹没) by flood water. Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2013·福建高考)The “Chinese Dream” is ________ dream to improve peoples well-being and ________ dream of harmony,peace and development. A.the;a        B.a;a C.a;the D.the;the 2.—Is that hall big enough?We have at least 200 guests. —Sure.Thats a hall which can ________ 400 people. A.consist B.include C.involve D.accommodate 3.Nowadays the power of the wind is being ________ to generate electricity. A.harnessed B.made C.produced D.exploited 4.(2013·青岛高一检测)Our friendship ________ our childhood has lasted for years. A.dates back to B.dating back C.dates from D.dating from 5.The soldiers soon reached ________ was once an old temple ________ the villagers used as a school. A.what;where B.what;which C.where;which D.where;what 6.(2013·德州高一月考)—Oh,what kind of ________ is it? —A school,I think. A.structure B.gorge C.reservoir D.relic 7.His pale face suggested that he ________ ill and the teacher suggested that he ________ a doctor at once. A.was;see B.be;saw C.be;see D.was;saw 8.I often thought of my childhood,________ I lived on a farm. A.which B.where C.when D.who 9.—Did you find out what he was worried about? —No,hes still ________ and doesnt want to tell me. A.kept down B.kept up C.held down D.held back 10.He worked day and night,and finally


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