14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module1课时作业(二) CulturalCornerWriting.doc

14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module1课时作业(二) CulturalCornerWriting.doc

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14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module1课时作业(二) CulturalCornerWriting.doc

第  PAGE 9 页 共  NUMPAGES 9 页 课时作业(二) Cultural Corner Writing Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I am ________(乐观的)about the outlook of our country. 2.What you said is ________(无疑地;确定地)wrong. 3.An expert has________(预言)that there will be an earthquake in the near future. 4.Australia and New Zealand are former British________(殖民地). 5.As his mother had expected,he________(终于)became a great doctor. 6.Meryls sweater had stretched completely out of ________(形状,外形). 7.He wasnt interested in her stage________(职业). 8.I________(想象)she was quite surprised when she heard the truth. 9.After meal,he will put the plates and bowls in the________(洗碗碟机). 10.Sarah________(拒绝)her brothers offer of help. Ⅱ.单项填空 1.The biscuits(饼干)________like animals are liked very much by children. A.shape        B.shaped C.made from D.made of 2.—Do you think Linda is going to attend the party? —________not.She is not used to this kind of thing. A.Exactly      B.Nearly C.Really D.Definitely 3.The boss is always________about making promises.He never makes one that he cant keep. A.enthusiastic B.strict C.optimistic D.cautious 4.(2013·青岛高一检测)Remember not to telephone me after eight—I ________ a meeting then. A.will have B.will be having C.have been having D.have been had 5.When you drive home,you cant be________careful. A.very B.too C.so D.only 6.If you work hard from now on,________,you will succeed. A.eventually B.finally C.at last D.in the end 7.It is reported that the police will soon ________ the case of the two missing children. A.look upon B.look after C.look into D.look out 8.The club had only six members________. A.for a start B.to start with C.start with D.start off 9.Either you or one of your students________to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow. A.are B.is C.have D.be 10.Youll regret your decision.The Pentium Ⅳ CPU is ________,so I suggest you buy another type. A.on the way out B.under way C.no way D.on the way Ⅲ.阅读理解 A My house is made out of wood,glass and sto


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