14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module3(课标卷)课时作业(五) IntroductionReadingandVocabulary.doc

14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module3(课标卷)课时作业(五) IntroductionReadingandVocabulary.doc

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14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module3(课标卷)课时作业(五) IntroductionReadingandVocabulary.doc

课时作业(五) Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Someone who has an________(攻击性;挑衅的)attitude may be violent. 2.Being deaf and dumb makes________(交流)very difficult. 3.Housework has ________(传统地)been regarded as womens work. 4.The fire ________(蔓延)very rapidly because of the strong wind. 5.One must be ________(意识到的)of his shortcomings. 6.Several officials were ________(卷入)in the matter. 7.She ________(变化)her dress as fashion changes. 8.Since he took over the case,he always receives ________(恐吓的)e-mails. 9.It was so quiet that he made some ________(姿势)to express what he wanted. 10.Each of the houses is ________(稍微的)different. Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Try not to start every sentence with“the”.________ the beginnings of your sentences. A.Vary         B.Decorate C.Form D.Describe 2.Beyond doubt,so much noise outside ________him paying attention to ________his homework. A.kept;do B.prevented;do C.kept;doing D.prevented;doing 3.The police warned people to be ________ for pickpockets during the Christmas rush. A.off guard B.on guard C.on the guard D.off the guard 4.The driver was still ________ what had happened when he was sent to hospital,but after a while he lost ________. A.unconscious for;consciousness B.conscious of;consciousness C.conscious of;conscious D.conscious for;unconscious 5.—Ill talk to my son Bill about it as soon as possible.He usually listens to me. —We need________ listening.We need action. A.more than B.less than C.not more than D.no more than 6.She ________ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store. A.turned down B.dealt with C.took after D.came across 7.They planted some young trees in the garden ______ it was the best time for them. A.where B.that C.until D.when 8.Although there is a difference in spelling and pronunciation between American English and British English,both of the countries have much to ________. A.communicate B.change C.share D.improve 9.________ man must fear when travelling in space is radiatio


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