14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module3(课标卷)课时作业(六) CulturalCornerWriting.doc

14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module3(课标卷)课时作业(六) CulturalCornerWriting.doc

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14-15学年高中英语(必修4,外研版)Module3(课标卷)课时作业(六) CulturalCornerWriting.doc

课时作业(六) Cultural Corner Writing Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.They ________(凝视)at each other for a long time. 2.Dont ________(恐慌);there is no danger. 3.He made a________(请求)for help. 4.Could you do me the ________(帮助;恩惠)to pick me up from the station? 5.My personal ________(判断)is that he is to blame. 6.Doctors say these drugs can reduce pain and________(延长)lives. 7.The water pollution is causing a lot of ________(社会的)problems. 8.John forgot to put my name on the ____________(邀请)card and apologized to me afterwards. 9.It wasnt recorded show;it was ________(现场直播的). 10.His speech was frequently interrupted by stormy ________(掌声). Ⅱ.单项填空 1.We hadnt planned to meet.We met only ________. A.accidental       B.by accident C.in accident D.with accident 2.—Come up and look!The lovely dog is jumping ______ to show its special skills. —OK!Im fond of dogs. A.side by side B.face to face C.here or there D.up and down 3.The police appeared in front of the criminal suddenly,and the criminal ________ very much. A.panicked B.frightened C.worried D.shook 4.At the ________ of the interviewers,the official agreed to remain in his office. A.suggestion B.request C.requirement D.demand 5.—What will you do after taking part in the college entrance examination,Li Hua? —I will stay at home,watching the ________World Cup matches. A.alive B.live C.lively D.lovely 6.But for the help of my English teacher,I ________the first prize in the English Writing Competition. A.would not win B.would not have won C.would win D.would have won 7.(2013·大同高一检测)No one likes ________;it makes you feel uncomfortable. A.being stared B.being stared at C.glaring at D.looking at 8.After he said goodbye ________his friends at the airport,he began to feel lonely. A.at B.for C.with D.to 9.—May I ask a ________ of you to download the song by John? —With pleasure. A.favour B.request C.help D.command 10.Occasions are quite rare________ I have the time to spend a day with my kids. A.who B.which C.why D.when Ⅲ.阅读理解 A How do y


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