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Unit 13 People 课时作业(一) Warm-up EQ∶IQ Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Owen is known for being one of the most________(有才华的)English strikers of his generation. 2.________(精确的)population figures of pandas in the wild are difficult to find. 3.We urged some country to face the objective facts,take effective measures to correct the________(错误). 4.It is the basis of success to learn from the________(失败). 5.A sportswriter says Michael Vick doesnt________(应受,值得)an award for courage. 6.He________(恳求,祈祷)to God for an end to her suffering. 7.As petrol prices are________(预测)to rise,would you give up your car to save money? 8.Public health authorities will________(专心)on decreasing further the number of both dengue(登革热)infections in the coming year. 9.There is now no________(可能)that she will make a full recovery. 10.Israel and the US were________(指控)of being involved in a bomb attack which killed an Iranian physicist in Tehran. Ⅱ.单项填空 1.As a lecturer,he doesnt dare to speak in________ public,so he is thought of as________failure. A.the;a          B.a;the C./;/ D./;a 2.(2013·合肥高二检测)The________young scientist was much in the public eye. A.gift B.gifted C.present D.presented 3.There is good________ of rain tonight. A.possibility B.ability C.disability D.responsibility 4.The book has been well received,but________actual sales,it hasnt been very successful. A.in terms of B.in case of C.as a result of D.in face of 5.He did as________as,if not better than you. A.worse B.good C.badly D.well 6.Don’t worry.Intelligent students can always________good solutions to problems. A.come up to B.come up with C.stick to D.deal with 7.He will pay a visit to his grandmother in his summer vacation and has________a vacation plan. A.taken up B.called up C.drawn up D.turned up 8.There is still some doubt________the autumn sports meet will be held in our school,but there is no doubt________it will be held soon after our National Day holiday. A.that;that B.whether;whether C.that;whether D.whether;that 9.(2013·芜湖高二



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