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教育政策論壇,2011 年 8 月 十四卷三期,1-32 兩岸高等教育交流相關議題與政策方向 之探討 張國保*、楊淑涵**、張馨萍*** 摘 要 全球化競爭的社會下,人才需求逐漸增加。兩岸間除了現階段經貿的合作外, 也開始積極正視高等教育的學術交流與互動。大陸方面早於1979年便展開對台招 生;而台灣則於1987年解除戒嚴後,開始展開對大陸的學術交流,並於2010年通過 陸生三法後,確立招收陸生的法源。儘管兩岸高等教育交流已如火如荼地展開,但 仍有許多兩岸間招生策略、管道與政策制訂等相關問題有待釐清,如何使兩岸間學 術交流更加順暢,使未來發展達到雙贏之局面,為本文探討的旨趣。 關鍵詞: 兩岸交流、兩岸教育、招收陸生來台 * 張國保:銘傳大學師資培育中心暨教育研究所副教授兼所長 ** 楊淑涵:銘傳大學教育研究所碩士班研究生 *** 張馨萍:銘傳大學教育研究所碩士班研究生 教育政策 Educational Policy 2011 年 8 月 第十四卷第三期 32 論壇Forum Exploring the Policy Directions and Related Issues on Cross-Straits Exchanges in Higher Education Kuo-Pao Chang* Shu-Han Yang** Hsin-Ping Chang*** Abstract With the growing competition in the global society, the demand of human resources is increasing. In addition to the current economic and trade cooperation between cross straits, the academic exchange and interaction in higher education has been emphasized and valued. Since 1979, Mainland China has enrolled students from Taiwan. Taiwan, on the other hand, did not start its academic interaction with Mainland China until the martial law rescinded in 1987. The enrollment of students from Mainland China is, to date, still at the stage of policy making. The exchange activities in higher education have been well under way; however, many relevant strategies, channels and policies for cross- straits admissions still remain unclear. The main purpose of this study is to discuss how to facilitate academic exchanges and reach a win-win situation between cross straits in the coming future. Keywords: cross-straits education, cross-straits exchange, enrollment of students from Mainland China * Kuo-Pao Chang: Associate Profess


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