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;第二章 化学污染物的迁移行为 Transport of Chemical Pollutants;;? 内容;? 一、大气中污染物的迁移;? 一、大气中污染物的迁移;? 二、水中污染物的迁移;湍流扩散: 湍流场中,污染物质点之间及污染物质点与水介质之间由于各自的不规则的运动而发生相互碰撞、混合。;弥散:水体横断面上的实际的流速分布不均匀引起的 。;3. 重力沉降;? 三、土壤中污染物的迁移;? 三、土壤中污染物的迁移;? 三、土壤中污染物的迁移;? 四、生物相中污染物的迁移;? 四、生物相中污染物的迁移;? 四、生物相中污染物的迁移;? 五、污染物多介质迁移;? 内容;? 一、挥发;描述污染物在气相与水相之间的分配行为。;亨利定律有多种表示形式。在不同的表示形式中,由于所使用的物理量的单位的不同,亨利定律常数的数值大小也不相同。;(1)Totten et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 2003, 37, 1739-1743,Re-evaluation of Air-Water Exchange Fluxes of PCBs in Green Bay and Southern Lake Michigan (2) Goss et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 2004, 38, 1626-1628, Comment on “Re-evaluation of Air-Water Exchange Fluxes of PCBs in Green Bay and Southern Lake Michigan” (3) Baker et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 2004, 38, 1629-1632,Response to Comment on “Re-evaluation of Air-Water Exchange Fluxes of PCBs in Green Bay and Southern Lake Michigan”;Goss et al.: there is not only a need for accurate physical-chemical property data but also a need for careful checking of thermodynamic consistency. Precision and high reproducibility must not be taken as indications of accuracy. Even well-established laboratories are vulnerable to the possibility of generating erroneous property data. It is important to prevent propagation of inaccurate data in the refereed literature and data compilations. Independent and rigorous measurements of a variety of related properties from different groups and use of techniques for assessing the thermodynamic consistency of data are the most likely route to constrain the true value of these properties. Finally, when reaching conclusions on environmental fate, it is critical to include an analysis of the uncertainty including a consideration of possible errors in the physical-chemical data.;? 一、挥发;? 一、挥发;? 一、挥发;? 一、挥发;? 一、挥发;? 一、挥发;? 一、挥发;? 二、干沉降和湿沉降;? 二、干沉降和湿沉降;2. 湿沉降 (Wet Deposition);? 三、酸沉降;? 三、酸沉降;? 三、酸沉降;? 三、酸沉降;? 三、酸沉降;? 三、酸沉降;电中性原理:;溶液一定是电中性的,即阳离子所带电荷总量与阴离子所带电荷总量一定相等。 在溶液中,一种离子所带电荷总量可表示为: Q = Z·C·V


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