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A famous city. One of the birthplace of China civilization. The first batch of the historical and cultural city. It is well known in the world because of a kind of flower. One of the seven ancient capitals of China. An ancient capital of Thirteen dynasties. (Xi’an, Luoyang, Nanjing, Beijing, Anyang, Hangzhou, Kaifeng) ;mythologies History and cultures Famous persons Famous places The national Flower Specialties of Luoyang local delicacy ;Lots of mythologies(神话);The “Silk Road” started here .;The Book of Changes and the Eight Diagrams were emerged here . ;The History of the Han Dynasty (汉书) and HistoryasaMirror(资治通鉴) were written here .;History more than three thousand years history. Ancient Capital of Thirteen Dynasties. (Xia, Shang, Western Zhou ,Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, CaoWei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, Later Liang , Later Tang, Later Jin ) ;Heluo Culture ;Tang Xuanzang 唐玄奘;This is a small part of Luoyang’s tourist map .;Famous places in Luoyang;东周王城天子驾六博物馆;Luoyang Tomb museum (洛阳古墓博物馆) ;White Cloud Mountain (白云山);The Longmen Grottoes(¥120) ;;;;The White Horse Temple The first officially built monastery in China;;The soil and climate of Louyang is mostly suitable for flowers, of which peony is exotic(奇异的) and rare under heaven;The four most famous varieties of peony 牡丹四大名品;Peony, a flowering plant unique in China, is a kind of deciduous(每年落叶的 ) sub-shrub (灌木)of common peony genus(种 ), buttercup family(毛茛科 ), grows in hilly areas of Shaanxi,Gansu,Sichuan,Shandong and Henan province. It several names: Shrubby Shaoyao(or Tree-Peony);Luoyang flower; Grain-rain (4月20日) flower and WealthHonor Flower. ;Specialties of Luoyang;Luoyang spade (洛阳铲);Luoyang meatball soup (洛阳丸子汤);Sour noodles (浆面条);Water banqnet(水席) It concludes 24 dishes, including eight cold cuts, four bulky, in eight cases, four pressure tables dishes, hot and cold, indirectly, salty, hot and sour combination. ;If you want to know the rises and falls in China, please just look at the


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