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奶牛繁殖疾病与防治;;问题的提出 ;问题的提出 ;问题的提出 ;问题的提出 ;问题的提出 ;饲养管理;什么是奶牛的繁殖障碍;什么是奶牛的繁殖障碍 ;先天性繁殖障碍;幼稚病;后天获得性繁殖障碍;三.营养性繁殖疾病 ;产后感染;难产 ;正常产犊过程为三个阶段:;胎衣不下;发病原因:;预防措施;子宫炎 ;传染性疾病;乏情;引起产后母牛乏情的因素;没有发情;没有发情;真乏情;久配不孕;非感染因素引起的;卵巢疾病 ;持久黄体;冻精质量低下;冻精质量最基本的要求;人工输精技术人员与奶牛繁殖障碍的关系;Ovaries on Day 0 of the Estrous Cycle. Day = estrus. The active left ovary shows a (functionally regressed CL) and 2 follicles. Legend: 1 = follicle 2 = corpus ;Ovaries on Day 2 of the Estrous Cycle. The left ovary shows a corpus hemorrhagicum (red) which has a soft consistency, as well as a corpus albicans (yellow) which has a firm/dense consistency. Legend: 1 = follicle 4 = regressed corpus luteum 5 = stroma. ;;Ovaries on Day 4 of the Estrous Cycle. The active left ovary shows a corpus hemorrhagicum and a dense corpus albicans. The right ovary shows an emerging dominant follicle. Legend:1 = follicle, 2 = corpus hemorrhagicum, 4 = corpus albicans / atreticum, 5 = stroma. ;Ovaries on Day 5 of the Estrous Cycle. The left ovary shows a late corpus hemorrhagicum, the right ovary a dominant follicle. Legend:1.follicle 2. corpus hemorrhagicum, 5. ovarian stroma, 8. artefact. 图例: 1,卵泡 2. 红体, 5. 卵巢基质 ;Ovaries on Day 6 of the Estrous Cycle. The left ovary shows a late corpus luteum that is now becoming senstive to the action of prostaglandin F2alpha. 图例: 1,卵泡 2. CL, 4. 白体, 5. 卵巢基质;Ovaries on Day 7 of the Estrous Cycle. The left ovary shows a fully developed corpusluteum, the right ovary a dominant follicle. 图例: 2. CL, 5. 卵巢基质;Ovaries on Day 7 Post Partum. Inactive ovaries during the early postpartum period. 1. follicle, 5. stroma, 8. artefact ;牛人工授精员操作中普遍存在如下几类问题 ;输精时间的确定;时间顺序 : 发情-输精- 排卵;时间顺序 : 发情-输精- 排卵;时间顺序 : 发情-输精- 排卵;发情观察不准;无菌概念差,卫生存在问题 ;液氮与液氮罐的使用常识;



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