虚拟语气 11_grammer.ppt

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虚拟语气 11_grammer

专业外语;一、虚拟语气; 1. 虚拟简单句;2.虚拟语气在if条件句中的用法;2. 虚拟语气在if条件句中的用法;3. 用于宾语从句;3. 用于宾语从句; 4. 用于主语从句 ; 4. 用于主语从句 ;5. 用于状语从句;5. 用于状语从句;6. 用于其它从句;7. 虚拟语气用于定语从句;二、句子成分的 强调、倒装、分隔和省略 ;1.强调: 通过添加强调词、采用强调句型或改变成分的结构位置等手段来突出某一部分。 添加强调词 [例句] Beta is approximately constant for an individual transistor, although it does vary with temperature and slightly with the collector current.  (强调动词do) [译文] 对某个晶体管而言,?近似为常数,尽管它确实会随温度及集电极电流的变化而变化。;(2)采用强调句型It is (was) + 被强调的成分 + that (which, who, whom),可强调主语,宾语和状语,不能强调定语和谓语。 [例句] We conclude that it is the ratio of the average signal power to the average noise power that is important, and not the magnitudes of S and N themselves. [译文] 我们得到结论,平均信号功率与平均噪声功率之比是重要的,而信号与噪声本身幅度的大小并不重要。(强调主语) [例句] Ironically, it was Bell himself who invented one of the earliest light-wave communications devices in 1880.  [译文] 讽刺地是,正是比尔本人于1880年发明了最早的光波通信设备之一。;(3) 改变句子成分的结构位置 [例句] Very obvious is the ever-growing influence on mankind by the adoption of radio- broadcasting both sound and television.  (倒装强调) [译文] 非常显著的是,无线电及电视广播的应用,对人类产生的日益增长的影响。;2. 倒装 由于表达的需要,将主谓语序颠倒,表语(系动词)、宾语或定语提前,称做倒装。 (1)强调倒装成分或避免头重脚轻,句子结构本身要求 [例句] Surrounding the cladding is a buffer material, used to help shield the core and cladding from damage during the manufacturing or installation process. (使主语紧靠其修饰语) [译文] 包在纤包外面的是缓冲材料,用于屏蔽纤芯和纤包,免于在制造或安装过程中受损。 ;(2).否定词句首如by no means, hardly, in no way, little, neither, never, no, no more, nor, no sooner than, not, not only, not until, scarcely, seldom, trivial等,强调句子中的某一成分 [例句] Not since Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone has communications experienced such revolutionary development. (强调状语) [译文] 人们并非从亚历山大格雷厄姆·贝尔的电话发明中体验到通信创新性的发展。 (3). 副词句首如Hence, here, now, often, only, so, then, thus等可能倒装 [例句] Hence (comes) the name magnet. [译文] 故有磁铁之称。 ;(2).否定词句首如by no means, hardly, in no way, little, neither, never, no, no more, nor, no sooner than, not, not only, not until, scarcely, seldom, trivial等,强调句子中的某一成分 [例句] Not since Alexander Graham Bell’s invention o


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