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图表作文的命题目的并不是简单考查考生描述图表表面内容的水平,而更着重于测试考生分析问题,即对图表深层含义领会挖掘的能力以及阐述能力。 审题时增加了读图的步骤。 文章中要考虑关键数据的引用.即体现趋势或者变化的重要数据,而绝对不能毫无目的地大量照搬堆砌. ? 两种形式:一种是统计表(table),另外一种是统计图(graph),?如:曲线图(line graph)、柱形图(bar graph)和饼图(pie graph)等。 Table?统计表 Line chart?曲线图 Bar chart?柱状图 Pie chart?饼图 ? 图表作文的体裁以说明文和描写文为主。 写作模式: 第一段:描写数据的主要变化趋势,对数据进行分析比较,总结归纳图表表面所呈现的主要特征。 第二段:分析揭示表象后面的原因。 第三段:下结论。 举例 ????Rising Divorce Rates in China ?1、描述图表所反映的问题 ?2、你认为最近几年中国离婚率高的原因是什么 ? 布局谋篇 1、结合题目及提纲,?可判定这是一篇图表作文,是一个柱状图表;体裁是说明文,文章主题是最近几年中国离婚率的情况。 2、依据提纲内容,转换成相应的三段式结构模式: ???第一段??概述图表内容,尤其是突出的数据变化。 ???第二段??分析这些变化产生的原因。 ???第三段??指出最近几年中国离婚率高反映了社会什么问题。 ? 范文 ???1)?As is clearly shown in the chart,?China has experienced a dramatic increase in the divorce rate?between?1967?and?2007.?2)?Especially,?during the last decade, the divorce rate in big cities has increased as much as it had in the previous thirty years.?(描述突出的数据变化) ???3)?There are three reasons for?it. ???4)?To begin with,?legal changes have simplified procedures, removed barriers to divorce. 5)In addition,?there has been a significant change in social attitude towards the divorced people.6)?For example,?the divorce is no longer considered a social stigma.7)?Last but not the least,?the change in personal economic activities also facilities divorce. 8)?In short,?the upward trend in divorce seems to be a mirror of some important changes in Chinese society. 9) As for me, the statistics reflect the change in people’s??view of marriage and family life. 10) On the one hand, divorce is no longer an embarrassing topic in china. 11) On the other hand, it’s people’s right to choose divorce if there is an emotional breakdown in their marriages. 12) In brief, divorce is an appropriate way to solve some problems in marriage and family life for some couples. ? ???模板???1 1)?As is clearly shown in the chart,______ between ______and _____.?2)?Especially, ____.??3)There are three reasons for ___. ?4)To begin with,_____.?5)?In addition, ____.?6)?For example,_____.?7)?Last but not th


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