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Module 12;Module 12;Unit 1 Its so beautiful!;Strauss;Westlife;施特劳斯园舞曲;维也纳是奥地利的首都,也是世界著名的音乐之都。每年1月1日在维也纳著名的音乐厅——金色大厅所举办的“维也纳新年音乐会”闻名世界。;生词书签;noisy adj. 吵闹的;drum n.鼓;Listen and number the words as you hear them.;Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the conversation in Activity 1.;Now listen again and check.;Which modern music does Tony like? He likes pop and rock music. 2. What does Tony’s mum think about rock music? It’s lively.;3. Why doesn’t Tony like traditional Western music? It’s too slow. 4. Which music does Tony’s dad think is too noisy? He thinks pop music is too noisy.;Listen and read.;What a beautiful city! I’m a fan of rock music. Give us a break! I don’t believe it! ;Now check (√) the true sentences.;Check (√) the types of music the students like.;Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.;3. Tony can’t ________ that Daming doesn’t like rock music. 4. Betty likes ______ traditional Western music and pop music. 5. Tony thinks the sound of the ______ in Beijing opera is very different. ;Complete the sentences about yourself.;你都做对了吗?;Listen and read.;Ask and answer questions about the music you like or don’t like.;— Do you like pop music or rock music? — well, I prefer pop music. I think rock music is too noisy. — … ;1. lively adj. 活泼的;轻快的 e.g. She is a lively girl. 2. modern adj. 现代的 e.g. Do you like modern music or classical music?;3. pop (=popular) adj. 流行的; 受欢 迎的 e.g. Pop music is my favourite music.;4. noisy 是形容词,意思是“吵闹的”,反义词是 quiet “安静的”。即:;5. sound 和 voice 辨析 ;例如: At night she heard a strange sound. 夜里她听到一种奇怪的声音。 The girl has a sweet voice. 那女孩嗓音很美。 ;6. by 的两种用法;例如: You can get there by bus. 你可以乘公交车到那儿。 The piece is written by Mozart. 这是莫扎特的作品。 ;7. through prep.穿过 e.g. I have to go through that door every day.;8. both all both和all通常放在系动词之后,行为动词之前,两者都可与of连用。 both表示“两者都”,其中both ... and ...?意为“…???和……两者都”。 e.g. My parents are bot


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