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2001 年第 4 期 外 国 语 总第 134 期 No.4, July 2001 Journal of Foreign Languages General Serial No.134 文章编号 1004-5139 2001 04-0015-07 中图分类号 H0 文献标识码 A ???????? 笔下的认知语言学 王 寅 苏州大学?外国语学院 江苏?苏州??215006 摘 要 近来国内外认知语言学发展迅猛 已逐渐成为语言学的主流学派 但其中也是学派林立 观点 众多 分歧很大 国内也发表了很多这方面的论述 有介绍其经验观的 也有论述其理性主义倾向的 Lakoff 和 Johnson 在 体验哲学 体验性心智及其对西方思想的挑战 一书中区分了第一代认知科学和第二 代认知科学 提出了全新的体验哲学理论 并以此为基础从认知语义学 认知语法 词汇 语言能力和 普遍性 先天性等方面阐述了认知语言学的基本观点 本文是基于对 Lakoff 教授的采访和学习 体验哲 学 一书后总结而成的 关键词 认知科学?体验哲学?认知语言学 Cognitive Linguistics in Lakoff Johnson’s Writings WANG Yin ( Foreign Languages College, Suzhou University, Suzhou 215006, China ) Abstract: Recently, cognitive linguistics at home and abroad has developed so rapidly that it has begun to gain a dominant position in linguistic theory. Since there are many views and differences within cognitive linguistics, some linguists in China introduced its experiential view, while others its rational views. Lakoff and Johnson made a clear distinction between the First-generation Cognitive Science and the Second-generation Cognitive Science, and put forward a brand-new theory in their works Philosophy in the Flesh The Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought. On the basis of this theory, they expounded some fundamental ideas on cognitive linguistics, including cognitive semantics, cognitive grammar, the lexicon, the language capacity, universals and innateness. This paper is a summary of these ideas after my personal interview with Prof. Lakoff and my reading of the book. Key words: Cognitive S


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