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第  PAGE 5 页 共  NUMPAGES 5 页 Unit20 New Frontiers 单元同步测试 一. 单词拼写。 10x2 1. Tom and Jack had ___________________( 通信 ) for many years. 2. Professor Smith , an ear ____________(专家 ), organized a national survey of nose disease in children. 3. Singing, playing games, and reading are forms of _____________(消遣) 4. The chairman is considering changes to the sex ________________(歧视) law to promote equal opportunities. 5. A p_______ gives the owner ther right to be the only onew who can make , use or sell an invention or product for a particular number of years. 6. Everyone was encouraged to d________ a day’s pay to help survivors of the disaster. 7. Had not Tom dived into the river to r___________ him, the boy would have drowned. 8. A car is very h______ for people who live some little distance from town. 9. Some good sources of information can a_______ us in making the best selection. 10. This medicine is ____________( 有毒的) if taken in large quantities. 二.用所给的短语的适当形式填空。(有多余选项 )10x2 to put it another way, in detail, look into, click into, in terms of , link to , die of , as a result of , on demand, figure out, do with 1. I can’t give you any good suggestions until you tell me the whole thing ________________. 2. If you like listening to rock music, you can ______________ this website. 3. The murder case is _____________ by the police now. 4. You can __________your computer _________the Internet only after you have paid the service. 5. ______________ population, China is the largest country in the world. 6. His speech was very long but few people could _____________ what he meant . 7. His sister _______________ cancer last year. 8.The boss is not satisfied with your work, ______________ , you lose your job. 9. What have you been __________________ the conflict? 10.He is unable to work _______________ the fall from his horse. 三.课文填空。15x1.5 If you had to choose the single most important 1___________(discover) of the 20th


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