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; ;He can/could/must/may/might/shall/ should/need/dare/dared/will/would/ ought to/ used to + work in that factory.;在情态动词的使用中, 我们要注意以下考点:;1.表“能力”译为 “能,会”;只用be able to的情况: a. 位于助动词后。  b. 情态动词后。  c. 表示有能力且成功地完成了某事时,只能用 was/ were able to do =managed to do/ succeeded in doing ,不能用could/can(仅表能力,不涉及结果)。;1. A computer ______ think for itself; it must be told what to do. A. can’t B. couldn’t C. may not D. might not;2.表“请求,许可”could比can 更委婉 ;3. They will ______ run this machine on their own in three months. A. can B. could C. may D. be able to 4. That big cinema ______ seat 2,000 people. A. can B. should C. ought to D. is able to;1.表“询问,征求对方的许可” (might比may更客气.) ;注意: May/ Might I use your bike? 的答语. 肯定: Yes, you may . 否定: No, you mustn’t (语气强硬) No, you may not. 或 No, you’d better not. ; Tips: ① may 放在句首,表示祝愿。 May sb./sth. do sth. e.g. May God bless you! May you return in safety! May our friendship last forever! ;② . 成语: may/might as well do sth.“最好,不妨 e.g. we may as well go and have a look. 我们不妨去看一下吧。 may well do sth. 很可能…. eg. You may well be right. 你很可能是对的. ;1.—May I pick a flower in the garden? — ________. A. No, you needn’t B. Not, please. C. No, you mustn’t D. No, you won’t;1.must 表“必须,一定要”常用于肯定和疑问句中。mustn’t 只表禁止,“不能,不可以”, You must do everything as I do. Cars must not be parked here.;2.must表示“一定要”、“坚持要” “偏要”、“偏偏” 。指某事不巧,或表示固执,通常都是令人不愉快的事. Just when we were ready to go away for holidays, the baby must catch cold. Must you make so much noise? 你偏要弄出那么多噪音?;—May I smoke here ? — If you ____, choose a seat in the smoking section. A. should?? B. could?? C. may?? D. must; I won’t allow you to go by bicycle. You must go on foot. There is no bus here, and you have to go on foot. 3. Because it is Sunday today, we don’t have to go to school. 4. The child is sl


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