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Module 6 Old and New;Focus: Reading Studying aims: 1. To master some words and expressions. 2. To improve reading skills. 3.To Know something about the three gorges dam. 4. To learn to introduce great changes of a place. ;;cliff;dam;gorge 峡谷;reservoir;;;Qutang Gorge;Wu Gorge;Xiling Gorge;Moya cliff carvings摩崖石刻 ;the Qu Yuan Temple屈原祠;;;Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.;walls of stone;The Three Gorges Dam;Reading Vocabulary -1.Vocabulary (3m) Learn the new words and give the definition.;MODULE 6 ;Skimming;The dam is nearly _____ metres high and _____ metres wide. A. 200 B. 1,5OO C. 140 D.800 2. Three quarters of china’s energy is produced by ______. A. burning coal B. hydro-electric power C. wind D. the sun 3. The reservoir has flooded ___ cities, ___ counties, ____ towns and more than ___ villages. A. 2 B. 140 C. 11 D. 4,000 4.Which historical site is not referred to in the listening? A. Qu Yuan Temple B. Han Watchtower C. the Moya Cliff D. Zhang Fei Temple;5.Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River? A. Sun Yat-sen B. Mao Zedong C. Deng Xiaoping D. A great designer 6. How many tons of coal were used for heating and generating electricity in 1993 in China? A.1.2 billion B. 20 billion C. 40 billion D .about 800 billion 7. What problem does burning coal cause? A. Increasing global warming B. Air pollution C. Destroying the balance of nature D. Both A and B;; Match the paragraphs with their general ideas;What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the dam? Advantages: Disadvantages: ;;;Thank You!


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