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;龙潭峡谷;朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山。;Scenery along the Three Gorges ;Have a Trip;Have a Trip;Reading and vocabulary ;Before-reading;Imagine you’re going on a trip through the Three Gorges . Which of these topics will you talk about: the boat the food life along the river the scenery the weather;Fast-reading;;1. Peter and his colleague came to China ______. a. to have a trip along the Three Gorges b. to work as English teachers c. to visit places of interest in China 2. Which of the following is not true about the Jiangyou boats? a. They are too crowded . b. They’re mainly for goods and people traveling along the river. c. You can’t visit temples by it. 3. What does “That sounded fine to me” mean? a. he’ll choose the Jiangyou boat b. he’ll accept the advice of his colleagues c. he won’t take these boats;Read para.2-5 and answer questions;complete the traveling route;Careful reading:;A Trip Along The Three Gorges;Peter and his friend went downstream _____. (a) to see the dam (b) to see the Three gorges (c) to get to Fuling He choose the Jiangyou boat because _____. (a) it was crowded (b) it didn’t stop at temples (c) it didn’t usually carry foreigners. When they started the trip it was ______. (a) sunny (b)cold (c) evening;4. When the boat went through the first gorge. Peter and his friend _____. (a) took lots of photographs (b) spent most of the time on deck (c) were asleep 5. When they reached the site of the dam _______ came to look. (a) everyone (b) no one (c) only the foreigners 6. Peter was impressed by the Yangtze River’s sense of ______. (a) power (b) history (c) danger;Careful-reading;What they saw and what they did;Detailed-reading;Fuling; Peter and his colleague __________ the boat at Fuling


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