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;直接引语:原封不动地引用原话,把它放在引号内, 这叫直接引语(Direct Speech) 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话(Indirect Speech) eg.She said,“I’m going to Being.” →She said that she was going to Beijing. He asked,“Are you a doctor?” →He asked me if/whether I was a doctor. She asked,“What are you doing?” →She asked me what I was doing. 注意:直接引语前常使用逗号,而不是冒号; 引号内直接引语的单词首字母要大写。; 当直接引语为陈述句,变为间接引语时用连词that 引导,that在口语中常省略。主句中的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said,也可用told来代替 →可以说said that,said to sb. that,told sb. that, 不可说told that eg.He said,“I have been to Japan.” →He said to us that he had been to Japan. She said ,“I’ll give you an exam tomorrow.” →She told us that she would give us an exam tomorrow.;记忆口诀: 去掉引号加that, 人称变化要灵活。时态向后退一步, 状语变化按规则。(引语中人称的变化:一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新。) ;二、一般疑问句;记忆口诀 去掉引号加if(whether),陈述语序要记住。 时态人称和状语,小心变化别马虎。 ;三、特殊疑问句;记忆口诀: 直接去引号,陈述莫忘掉。 小心助动词,去它最重要。 选择疑问句变间接引语时用whether···or···表达 (不用if/either···or···) eg.He asked,“Do you speak English or Chinese?” →He asked me whether I spoke English or Chinese. I asked,“Will you take a bus or on foot?” → I asked him whether he would take a bus or on foot.; ;注意:当两个或两个以上的宾语从句并列时,仅能省略第一个that,其余的不能省略。 eg.Tom said,“There isnt any trouble and I’m waiting for my change (零钱).” →Tom said (that)there wasn’t any trouble and that he was waiting for his change.;如主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要做相应的变化。如主句的谓语动词是现在时,从句的时态无需变化。;在直接引语变为间接引语时需要注意的变化 1.注意时态的变化;(1)客观真理、谚语、格言时 eg.The teacher said to the students,“Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃.” →The teacher told the students that water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃.;(3)直接引语中有具体的过的末年、某月、某日作状语时 eg.The teacher said,“World War II ended in 1945.” →The teacher said that World War II ended in 1945. 直接引语为一般过去时并且与具体时间状语连用: The teacher said,“The baby was born in 2010.” →The teacher said the baby was born in 2010.;(4)部分情态动词,如must,ought to,used to,had better等 eg.She said to me,“You must hurry up.” →She said that I must hurry up.;2.注意人称和指示代词的变化 人称代词的变化口诀 (1)“一随主”,若直接引语中有第一人称,变间接引语时应与主句中主语的人称相一


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