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National Medical Frontiers of China, Oct 2010, Vol.5 No.19 中国医疗前沿 2010年10月 第5卷 第19期 论 著 9 影响夫精宫腔内人工授精成功率的临床因素分析 杨文 王颖 【摘要】 目的 探讨夫精宫腔内人工授精成功率的相关影响因素。方法 回顾分析2007年1月至2010年3月在我院生殖中心收 治的155对不孕夫妇,共接受夫精人工授精240个周期,从病因、促排卵方案、操作方法与人工授精成功率的关系进行分析。结 果 自然周期较促排卵周期人工授精成功率明显增高。不孕病因中男方少弱精及精液不液化、宫颈因素、不明原因不孕人工授 精成功率最高。操作中人工授精管置入宫颈内口较置入距宫底2cm行注射精子悬液成功率高(P <0.01)。结论 不孕病因、促排 卵方式、操作方式是影响人工授精成功率的重要因素。 【关键词】 人工授精;妊娠率;促排卵 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-5552.2010.19.0005 【中图分类号】R714.8 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1673-5552(2010)19-0009-02 Influence of intrauterine insemination of successful rate of clinical analysis YANG Wen, WANG Ying. LiangYunGang First PeoPle`s Hospital, LiangYunGang 222002, China 【Abstract】Objective To explore the artifical insemination of successful rate of several factors. Methods Date of 155 cares in infertility in our Hospital Reproductive Medical Center from 2007.1-2010.3 were Retrospective analysis. Total receive 240 cycle atifical insemination from to predisposing factor ovarican stimulation plan: arfifical method and artifical insemination of successfully rate in correlation analysis. Results To compare the nature cycle were higher the ovarian stimulation cycle in successfully rate. Among of infeility, male oligouthenozoo permia. Fix fluid sperm and cervix uteri factor and unknow reseron. Artifical insemination were successfully rate higher. Artifical method of artifical insemination tube inset fundus uteri 2cm injection sperim successfully rate were higher(P <0.01).Conclusions Influence of intrauterine insemination an importance factor as follows: infertility reseron .ovarian stimulation ways and artificially method ways and soon. 【Keywords】Intrauterine insemination;Pregnancy rate; Ovarian stimulation 夫精宫腔内人工授精(intrauterine insemination,IUI)是


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