Safflower injection of arterial blood pressure lowering mechanism of rabbit.doc

Safflower injection of arterial blood pressure lowering mechanism of rabbit.doc

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Safflower injection of arterial blood pressure lowering mechanism of rabbit

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 10 Safflower injection of arterial blood pressure lowering mechanism of rabbit Of: the team, Zhang, Daniel E, buy text Li, Liu Hong, cattle Caiqin [Abstract] Objective safflower injection (Safflower injection, SI rabbit arterial blood pressure lowering effect and mechanism. Methods carotid artery blood pressure measurement, the rats were randomly divided into: control group, SI group and the SI + block dose group. the control group: intravenous saline, SI group: Cumulative intravenous injection of SI (0.5,1.0,2.0,4.0,8.0,16 mg / kg, record blood pressure and calculated the percentage decrease (%, SI + block Agent Group: Intravenous blocker had no effect on blood pressure, and then injected SI (8.0 mg / kg divided into: SI + L-NNA, SI + verapamil, SI + propranolol, SI + indomethacin Xin, SI + valsartan and other 5 groups, each group measured blood pressure (mmHg. results of SI can decrease blood pressure in rabbits, and a dose-dependent (SBP: r = 0.71, t = 40.99, P lt;0.01, DBP: r = 0.74, t = 34.73, P lt;0.01. different blockers on the SI (8.0 mg / kg had no effect on the antihypertensive effect. Conclusions SI can significantly reduce blood pressure in rabbits, the mechanism of endothelial release of NO and prostaglandins, calcium channel, -receptor and angiotensin receptor independent. [Keywords:] injection, arterial blood pressure, arterial Compositae Carthamus tinctorius L. Safflower is the dried tube-shaped flowers, spicy and warm, into the heart, liver, has a pass through the blood circulation, stasis analgesia [1,2]. Safflower injection (Safflower injection , SI safflower extract made from composite plants, the main component of safflower yellow pigment in clinical practice for the treatment of coronary heart disease and other circulatory disorders [3], with the expansion of peripheral blood vessels, lowering blood pressure The role of [4]. but its mechanism has not been reported to lower blood pressure. The experiment usi



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