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Ⅰ.单词识记 punish or hurt somebody in return for something bad or wrong that they have done to you, your family or friends 2.________n.a feeling of great sadness take a firm hold of somebody/something;4.________n.the feeling of happiness that you have when something unpleasant stops or does not happen 5.________n.fame,praise or honour that is given to somebody 6.________n.the process or result of dividing into separate parts 7.________n.the country that you were born in 8.________adj.existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical reality 答案 1.avenge 2.sorrow 3.grasp 4.relief 5.glory 6.division 7.motherland 8.abstract ;Ⅱ.短语天地 1.________走捷径 2.________支持,赞同 3.________浪费 4.________列……名单 5.________一名太空旅行者 6.not all ________ 7.a mixture of ________ 8.other than ________ 答案 1.take short cuts favour of 3.a waste of 4.make a list of 5.a space tourist 6.并非所有的 7.……的混合物 8.除……之外 ; But at the end of the day,I think it is more important to spend that money on problems nearer home. [信息提取] at the end of the day意为“考虑周详,从各个方面来看” [例句仿写] 从各个方面来看,这位新经理并不比前任强。 ________,the new manager is no better than the previous one. ;Maybe we will be able to take short cuts. [信息提取] take short cuts意为“走捷径” [例句仿写] 要是我们打算按时完成这一任务的话,我们得走一些捷径。 We‘ll have to ________if we’re to finish this job on time. Thats food for thought,I think hes right. [信息提取] food for thought意为“值得深思的事情,耐人寻味的道理”。 [例句仿写] 她这话耐人寻味。 What she has said affords much ________. ;Saturms biggest moon,Titan,which is believed to be the only body in the solar system other than the Earth with liquid on the surface. [信息提取] sb/sth be believed to...“人们相信, 据相信”。 [例句仿写] 人们相信他是第一个发现这个山洞的人。 ________the first to find the cave. 答案 1.At the end of the day 2.take some short cuts for thought 4.He is believed to be; (1)承认(+as/ doing/ that) They acknowledge that China is advancing rapidly in industry.他们承认中国在工业上发展迅速。 (2)对……打招呼;就……表示谢忱 The candidate waved his hands t


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