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英语学习 1.英语学习体会 (1)扩大某人的词汇量 enlarge one’s vocabulary (2) 查字典 refer to the dictionary... (3)强调语法学习 focus on learning grammar (4)养成阅读习惯 form the habit of reading (5)阅读技能/策略/能力 reading skills/ strategies/abilities... (6)我的经验告诉我…… My experience tells me... 1.英语学习体会 (7)我每天练习听力两小时。 I practise listening two hours a day. (8)我觉得学习英语语法最难。 I find it hardest to learn English grammar. (9)一个人动机越强,学习外语就越快。 The stronger the motivation is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. 2.英美英语差别 (1)美国/英国英语 American /British English (2)在语法方面有一点/很大的差别。 There is little/ much difference in grammar. (3)对于这两者的区别,我感到很迷惑。 I’m confused about the difference between... and... 3.语言与文化 (1)语言学习 language learning (2)文化差异/多元文化 culture difference /diversity (3)培养跨文化意识 cultivate cross-cultural awareness (4)尊重他人的文化和风俗 Respect others’ culture and custom (5)文化在语言学习中担任重要角色。 Culture plays an important role in language learning. (6)文化的了解使我们能够…… Culture understanding enables us to ... (7)是我们珍惜和保护文化遗产的时候了。 It is high time for us to treasure and protect culture relics. 自然灾害 1.灾害种类: flood(水灾), drought(干旱), landslide(山崩), earthquake(地震), tsunami(海啸),typhoon(台风),hurricane (飓风),tornado(龙卷风), volcano (火山), snowstorm (暴风雪) 2.袭击某地: (a typhoon) hit/ strike ... 3.造成后果: (1)失踪: missing (2)受伤: get injured (3)死亡: be killed/ lose one’s life/cause sb’s death/claim 302 lives(造成302人死亡) (4)电力中断: cut off the power/ electricity; have the power cut; the electricity was cut off (5)房屋倒塌: houses collapse / fall down (6)冲走房屋、道路、桥梁: wash away buildings, roads and bridges (7)成为废墟:... be in ruins; fall into ruins (8)菜地被毁坏了: vegetable fields were ruined. (9)引发泥石流及其他灾害: trigger landslides and other disasters (10)造成巨大损失/经济损失: cause great damage /economic losses 4.救援捐赠: (1)受灾地区: stricken district/ area (2)救灾工作: rescue work (3)恢复正常: return to normal (4)地震灾民: The quake-afflicted people (5)被困人员: trapped persons (6)受害人: victims (7)拯救: rescue... From (8)防汛抗旱: flood control and drought relief (9)呼吁人们捐赠: call on people to


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