律政俏佳人 Legall的y Blonde 中英文剧本.doc

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律政俏佳人 Legall的y Blonde 中英文剧本

律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde 中英文剧本 Here it is! 就是这! Thanks. 谢谢 Did you guys sign it? 你看过吗 Did you sign the card? 你看过这张卡片吗 And five and four and... 四,五,跟着 Hey, girls, sign! 嘿,姑娘们,签了它 All right! Here you go! 好,你可以走了 - Elles gonna love it! - Thanks. 艾尔会喜欢的,谢谢 You go, girl! 孩子,你们可以走了 Hi, girls! Here, sign! 嘿,女孩们,签了它 Thanks! 谢谢 There she is. 她在那 Thank you. 多谢 I love that restaurant! 我喜欢那家餐馆 I heard Madonna went into laborthere. 我听说麦当娜在那里公作 Oh, gosh! I have to go shopping! 哦,时间,我要去购物了! Ill see you tonight. Bye. 晚上见 Bruiser, whats this? 布塞尔,这是什么 Good luck tonight. Elle and Warnerforever. 今晚幸运,永恒的凯利 Oh, thats so cute. 欧,那真可爱 Oh, my gosh! You guys are so sweet! 你也不错 But Im not positive itll happen tonight. 我今晚没空 Hello! He just had lunch with his grandmother. 你好,他刚和他的祖母共进午餐 You know he got the rock. 他的事你知道吗 Why else would she have flown in from Newport? 怎么这么快就有人知道了 Its not like shed Fed Ex a six-carat diamond. 这事什么人都知道了 Do you really think? 你说是吗 I cant believe youre getting engaged! 想不道你也是这样 Oh, my gosh... 我的天啊 you guys have to help me pick out the perfect outfit. 你要帮我把这些器材配套齐全 Come on! 来 I think you should go with the red. 我认为你应该穿红色 Its the color of confidence. 那是自信的表现 I dont understand why youre disregarding... 我不明白你为什么那么冷漠 your signature color. 你的签名也是 Hes proposing. I cant look like I would on any other date. 他正计划着,我不能看着别人约会 This is the date... the night Ill always remember. 这个约会的夜晚我永远都记得 I want to look special. 我想看看有什么不同 Bridal. 那个婚礼 But not like I expect anything. 不是我希望的那样 Theres nothing I love more... 其他我没什么兴趣 than a dumb blonde with daddys plastic. 不过是普通货色罢了 Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday. 看到这个吗,我们曾经昨天拿过的 Is this low-viscosity rayon? 是低胸尼龙吗 Yes. Of course. 对 With a half-loop top-stitching on the hem? 肩上只有这么一点挂着的东西



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