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2017届人教版必修4 单元测试 Unit 1 women of achievement 一、单句语法填空 1.(2015·福建,短文填词)The discussion will very soon turn into ________ argument. 2.(2014·北京,阅读B)Apparently satisfied that we caused no further threat,the bear ________ (move)off. 3.(2015·重庆,阅读A)The disabled should be treated ________ respect. 4.(2015·陕西,阅读D)Other forms of parental involvement,including volunteering at school and ________ (observe)a childs class,also fail to help. 5.(2015·陕西,六选五)It is necessary for us to think of others and be considerate ________ them. 6.(2014·湖北,阅读E)Today,as the worlds urban population explodes,and cities become more ________ (crowd) taller and more crowded,Americas total number of elevators are a force thats becoming more important than ever. 7.Hes more of a talker than a doer,which is why he ________ (achieve)nothing so far. 8.(2015·四川,阅读E)I was ________ (inspire)while watching a television program showing how sleds might have helped with pyramid construction. 9.Personally,I dont think it worthwhile for them ________ (spend)all the savings on this trip. 10.(2015·江苏,阅读C)Its very likely that youll want to have volunteers to help with the ________ (organize)activities. 答案  1.an 2.moved 3.with 4.observing 5.to 6.crowded 7.has achieved 8.inspired 9.to anizations 二、完形填空 At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris,the favorite team in the four-man canoe race was the United States team.One member of that team was a young man by the name of Bill Havens. As the time for the Olympics __1__,it became clear that Bills wife would give birth to their first child about the time that the US team would be __2__ in the Paris games.In 1924 there were no jet airliners from Paris to the United States,only __3__ ocean-going ships.And so Bill found himself in a __4__ .Should he go to Paris and __5__ not being at his wifes side when their baby was born?Or should he __6__ from the team and remain with his family? Bills wife __7__ that he go to Paris. __8__,competing in the Olympics was his lifelong __9__.B


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