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C级统考选词填空(答案版) Passage 1 When people talk 21 (谈论) the cities of the United States, the first that comes to mind(进入脑海) is New York. New York is the largest city in the United States. That is, it has the largest population(人口), with 22 about 8 million people. It is also one of the most important cities 23 in the world. New York is the business headquarters(商业总部) of the country as well as(以及) its leading industrial center(工业总中心). In the downtown section(商业区) of the city is Wall Street(华尔街) - where you find the world famous 24(世界著名的) New York Stock Exchange(纽约股票交易所). It is said that over 90 percent of the stocks bought and sold in the United States are handled(处理) in the Wall Street area. Wall Street is not only 25(不仅) the financial center of the whole nation, but also(而且) the heart and nerve(神经) center of American politics. 1) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famous 2) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famous3) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famous4) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famous 5) A:with B:about C:only D:cities E:famous Passage 2 It was a large house that stood among other identical large houses in a tree-shaded square(树形广场). At first 21 (最初) I wondered if there could be some mistake(错误). But the address in the advertisement(广告) was clear enough, so I rang the doorbell(门铃). A colored maid(黑人女仆) answered it. When I said I was looking for 22(寻找) a room she nodded(点头) pleasantly, and led me up four flights of stairs(四阶楼梯). The carpets(地毯) were thick and red, and wall decorations(墙壁装饰) were of a kind 23 (是一种) I had only seen in Hollywood films(好莱坞电影). I had a feeling that I was about to be shown a very expensive flat(公寓) and that 24 I should feel very foolish(愚蠢的) explaining that I was looking for something about ten times as cheap(便宜十倍). But she led me up a final narrow flight of stairs with no carpet 25 ,


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