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Lesson 7 Invisible Man ; Achievement In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Invisible Man nineteenth on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. Time magazine included the novel in its TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005. 1953 - National Book Award 1992 - Anisfield-Wolf Book Award Special Achievement Award ;Plot introduction;In the Prologue, Ellisons narrator tells readers, I live rent-free in a building rented strictly to whites, in a section of the basement that was shut off and forgotten during the nineteenth century. In this secret place, the narrator creates surroundings that are symbolically illuminated with 1,369 lights. He says, My hole is warm and full of light. Yes, full of light. I doubt if there is a brighter spot in all New York than this hole of mine, and I do not exclude Broadway. The protagonist explains that light is an intellectual necessity for him since the truth is the light and light is the truth. From this underground perspective, the narrator attempts to make sense out of his life, experiences, and position in American society. ;Plot summary (P102) ——“我是一个看不见的人,” “请弄明白,别人看不见我,那只是因为他们不愿看见我。” 全书主要写“我”成为看不见的人的经过。在这个过程中,“我”不断地获得自我又失去自我外在世界。既然遗弃我、不承认我,“我”也就只好把目光转向内心世界,来自我发泄和自我发现。在一次骚乱中,“我”跌进一个地洞,就以地洞为家躲藏起来,作深刻的自我反省,翻来复去思考着自己在宇宙中的地位,口述了本书。 ; “我” 是 美国蓄奴制南方的温顺黑小子,对白人毕恭毕敬,高中毕业时在典礼上发表了一篇阐释进步的秘诀在于谦卑的演讲,十分成功,结果被邀去本镇白人头面人物的集会上再次演讲。演讲前,“我”发现这是一个非正式的男士社交聚会,然后是黑人男孩们蒙上眼互相格斗,“我”也被迫参加,结果被打得眼青鼻肿,满嘴流血,但得照样演讲。“我”的演讲再次获得成功,赢得了一份上州立黑人大学的奖学金。(本课内容,小说第一章) 后来在接待白人校董时,触怒了黑人校长,被逐出校门,开始在纽约四处碰壁的生活,最终成为相对于社会来说的“隐形人”。 ;Invisible Man a World War II work written by the African American writer Ralph Ellison ;With the status of multiple, subjective intuition, fantastic consciousness, fragments of life and a series of the portrayal of post-modem, the fiction reflected the theme of the modem situation, and showed the status of abandoned self-lost in the fragments of history and traditional space, so, it is very ab


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