
模块六一单元laughter is good for you M6U1welcome to this unit精要.ppt

模块六一单元laughter is good for you M6U1welcome to this unit精要.ppt

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模块六一单元laughter is good for you M6U1welcome to this unit精要

I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesnt work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness. Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to this unit Who is he? Yes! He is Mr. Bean! Mr Bean Job: Comedian [k??mi:di?n] 喜剧演员 Mr. Bean is described as “a child in a _______ (grow) man’s body”. grown Rowan Atkinson(罗温.艾金森) , a well-known British c__________, is famous for the character Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean is funny because he makes funny faces, he acts _______(stupid), he seems _______(be) quite silly, and the things he does are strange. omedian stupidly to be Who is he? Charlie Chaplin Chaplin is considered ________(be) one of the most important figures in the history of the?film industry. to be The film did well at the box office, and he received his only Academy Award?nomination as best actor. [?n?m??ne??n] 美国电影艺术与科学学院奖 理发师查理是个犹太人,在第一次世界大战时被征入伍,因负伤离开了军队。失去了记忆的查理一直住在医院里,这时大独裁者Hynkel上台,它大搞阴谋政治,对内用铁拳和武装统治整个国家,对外大肆侵略扩张,企图用战争征服整个世界。 由于Hynkel的大肆扩张和铁血政策,导致战争不断,人民生活水平每况愈下,面对日益怨声载道的广大民众,Hynkel为了转移广大民众的愤怒和不满情绪, 他竭力煽动民众对犹太人的仇恨与不满,导致犹太民族面临空前的灾难,连负伤的查理也未能幸免。面对这种境遇,查理不得不被迫外逃,他和战争中曾经救过的军官一起穿着军服,踏上了逃亡之路,就在他们逃到边境之时,由于查理与大独裁者Hynkel容貌相似,被驻守在那里的德曼尼军队误认为是他们的元首Hynkel,对他进行了高级的礼遇和招待,并请他发表演说。迫不得已,理发师查理被当作元首向军队发表讲话,他忍不住作了一场维护民主主义的演说,说出了他的——也是人民的心声:“独裁者会死去,他们从人民手里夺去的权利即将归还人民” Who are they? Comedians. Why do people like them? A joke or a comedy[?k?m?di] can makes you laugh, and there are other things that will make you laugh. Look at the posters on Page 1 and find out what funny things are talked about in the posters. Brainstorm Poster 1 Frank Funnybones What will he do at the Comedy Club? a humorous book Critics[kr?t?ks] 评论员 Cross talk 相声 Poster 3 Circus [?s?:k?s] (马戏团) Poster 4 what other kinds of things can make you laugh? ______(fun) movies Funny Situation comedy (情景喜剧) Sketch comedy 小品 Comic [?k?m?k] pictures A day without laughter is a day _______(waste). Charlie Chaplin wasted Proverbs Laughter is a language everyone _________ (understand). understands


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