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Something came up! Sorry, I can’t make it today. Maybe some other times. 因為臨時有事,抱歉今天我不能來,以後也許有時間。 I will see you when I see you! 後會有期! Nice talking to you! 很高興跟你談話! You turn me off! 你倒我胃口! Shame on you! 你不要臉! You are hopeless! 你沒救了! You are pathetic! 你很可悲! Don’t provoke me! 不要挑釁我! Don’t bargain with me! 不要跟我殺價(談條件)! Pick on me! 找我麻煩! You ripped me off! 你敲我竹槓! Why did you stand me up? 你為何放我鴿子? You have cold feet. 你臨陣脫逃! Don’t slack off! 別偷懶! Please behave yourself! 你要乖! Look where you are going! 你走路不看路! Please straight with me! 有話直說! Don’t bent around the bush! 不要拐彎抹角! Get to the point! 講重點! He twisted my words. 他扭曲我的話! He turns me down! 他拒絕了我! What page are you on? 你讀到那一頁? Is it in walking distance? 走路會到嗎? I am one dollar short. 我少一元! You can cut in anytime! 你隨時可插話。 A cavity 一顆蛀牙 Pull out a tooth. 拔一顆牙! Pull a prank. 惡作劇! You already tried your best! 你已盡全力! Keep up the good work! 加油! You need to try harder! 加油! You will turn things around! 你將東山再起! We are all set. 我們都準備好了! Mike will get married next month. You shouldn’t worry about getting married. My sister is going to marry a doctor. I want to know what the problem is. I don’t understand what the teacher is talking about. I don’t know what the girl said. What do you think about this proposal? I am in big trouble, what can I do? I was only five minutes late but Kevin was already gone. (我只遲到五分鐘,但Kevin已走了。) The bus was about ten minutes late. He tried many times to contact me last Sunday. I tried to make contact with him last Sunday. He is still in contact with me. You will not finish this project even if I give you more time. The dog was able to get the cat even though the cat ran faster. She was in pain when her boyfriend left her. I recommend that you take a long vacation. She looked at herself in the mirror. This novel deserves to be read many times. He has no money left. I bought this magazine for 100 dollars. (我花費一百元買了這本雜誌。) Did he go to college? (他上過大學嗎?) I am free so we can talk about the project. (我有空,所以我們可


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